Kristen and I hung out today. We were just being college kids, haha. Not really. We just baked some cookies. I cracked the eggs and I added the two cups of sugar; it's a step up from last time we made them ;)
We also did a photo shoot. Take a look at the photos on my flickr account!
day 216. [10+10+10]
My brother is officially 30 years old. I'm officially 20 years old. We're definitely not the little kids that I, for the longest time, remember us being. We're growing up and getting old.
I definitely wouldn't ask for someone else to be my older brother :)
He's kind of the best!
I definitely wouldn't ask for someone else to be my older brother :)
He's kind of the best!
day 215. [jar-head]
Jessica Andrukat, you might be considered the best sister someone could have. You totally put on this surprise party for Jared and the best part was ... IT WORKED!! He was totally surprised.
It was tons of fun. I wish everyone could have been there. The photos will definitely be uploaded onto facebook, BUT for better quality of the photos go to this link right here and there should be instructions on how to download the original ;)
It was tons of fun. I wish everyone could have been there. The photos will definitely be uploaded onto facebook, BUT for better quality of the photos go to this link right here and there should be instructions on how to download the original ;)
day 214. [game time]
Got together with the old team. We're all in college now, but you know what, we still can play a pretty mean game of volleyball. It was so much fun to get to play with the old team. It was more fun to see what we've worked on since we all last played together during senior year.
Later that evening we watched the actual team just whoop butt on another team. You guys rock!
Later that evening we watched the actual team just whoop butt on another team. You guys rock!
day 213. [old friends]
I had the opportunity to go out to lunch with an old friend, Kendra. It was fun to honestly just catch up. Honestly, ask us both the last time we spoke to each other today and it might go a little something like this ...
Someone: Rick, when was the last time you talked to Kendra?
Rick: *thinking* ... I think 8th Grade. That's unless you want to count this one time in the parking lot during Junior year.
Someone: Wow ...
Lunch turned into us moving over to Starbucks so we could chat more. It was worth the 2-3 hours that we hung out, haha.
Someone: Rick, when was the last time you talked to Kendra?
Rick: *thinking* ... I think 8th Grade. That's unless you want to count this one time in the parking lot during Junior year.
Someone: Wow ...
Lunch turned into us moving over to Starbucks so we could chat more. It was worth the 2-3 hours that we hung out, haha.
day 212. [upgrade]
I had an upgrade on my cellphone. If you knew how much my other phone was kind of out of shape, you'd also know how bad I needed this upgrade, haha.
I present to you though my third Blackberry! This one is the Blackberry Bold 9780 ;)
I should also mention that I've finished up 7 months worth of Project 365 ... CRAZY!!
day 211. [christmas!!]
Not living at home anymore my parents and their friends have all of a sudden become clueless as to what to get me for Christmas. The presents and cards are definitely becoming less and less [granted I've only had two Christmas' since I've gone to college]. My Christmas has now become the 26th of December when my parents and I go out and get me stuff that I need/want.
That's the thing though, not living at home I've definitely started to see that Christmas isn't about the gifts, especially how many you get. It's definitely about the time spent with those that you love and mean the world to you.
Not having that many presents to distract us this year, my family was able to have some good laughs with each other. Let me tell you, it was like reliving good memories from when my brother and I were much younger than we are now. Time flies!
That's the thing though, not living at home I've definitely started to see that Christmas isn't about the gifts, especially how many you get. It's definitely about the time spent with those that you love and mean the world to you.
Not having that many presents to distract us this year, my family was able to have some good laughs with each other. Let me tell you, it was like reliving good memories from when my brother and I were much younger than we are now. Time flies!
day 210. [emmanuel]
You gave us your only son to lift the darkness out of our hearts. I wouldn't want it any other way ;)
Be sure to check my flickr out for a little something-something, haha.
Be sure to check my flickr out for a little something-something, haha.
day 209. [pam]
I had to opportunity to meet up with Pam at DQ, like usual. It's awesome to know how far we've come with our Project 365's as well as how far we've come with photography period.
day 208. [graffiti]
It was a sunny day so I decided to hit up West Beach and maybe do some HDR stuff. I definitely did, ha. I also did some light stuff with glowsticks [like day 080] with Steven Welch tonight. Be sure to check out my flickr for the HDR shots as well as some of the shots I did with Steven.
day 207. [homemade]
Today I made homemade Christmas cards for two really good friends. They better like them because they were made from the heart!
day 206. [coffee]
People from school: Rick, what are you going to do when you get home?
Me: You know, rest, hang out with friends, meet up with people. The usual thing I would do during break.
People from school: That's it?
Me: Well, you know what? I'm looking forward to having breakfast with my good buddy Jordan. I'm pretty sure we'll have breakfast over coffee at Starbucks. I'm also pretty sure that we'll be there roughly around 8 in the morning. On a Saturday maybe? It's kind of tradition. It's one of the things I look forward to during break other than going to Living Word!
Unfortunately, Saturday didn't work, so we had to do it on a Monday. Also ... I picked him up. WEIRD, ha.
Me: You know, rest, hang out with friends, meet up with people. The usual thing I would do during break.
People from school: That's it?
Me: Well, you know what? I'm looking forward to having breakfast with my good buddy Jordan. I'm pretty sure we'll have breakfast over coffee at Starbucks. I'm also pretty sure that we'll be there roughly around 8 in the morning. On a Saturday maybe? It's kind of tradition. It's one of the things I look forward to during break other than going to Living Word!
Unfortunately, Saturday didn't work, so we had to do it on a Monday. Also ... I picked him up. WEIRD, ha.
day 205. [photography]
Just thought I'd do some work with the macro lens. While working with it, I realized just how much I'm in love with photography. It's definitely become an important thing in my life. It's become something that just relaxes me (now at least). It's a love of mine :)
day 204. [lenses]
Thanks Mom & Dad for the "Merry Birthday" present ;)
At this very moment, I've got all the lenses that I could ever need :D
Be sure to check out my flickr for some of the shots that I did while messing around with my new macro lens!!
At this very moment, I've got all the lenses that I could ever need :D
Be sure to check out my flickr for some of the shots that I did while messing around with my new macro lens!!
day 203. [sophomores]
A lot of the group photos I take now with friends are with those from the University of Portland. This is probably the first group picture I've taken with a group of people I graduated with it.
Did you know that the Class of 2009 graduated pretty much a year and a half ago? Crazy!!
Did you know that the Class of 2009 graduated pretty much a year and a half ago? Crazy!!
day 202. [nostalgia]
If you were to ask me what I miss the most from high school, I might not say the sports. I might say the fun times I had with people, but in all honesty these are the days I miss the most.
Yeah, I played volleyball, it was awesome to take 6 guys on the court and make it look easy, but when you take about 60+ people together to make music ... that's pretty awesome. Band is definitely where my memories are at. It waslike family.
I don't play anymore, and that has a lot to do with the fact that I loved band for where I finished when I graduated. It was solid. I wouldn't want to do anything to taint those memories.
To the Wind Ensemble kids, it was a pleasure to get to play with all of you again. See ya next year!
Yeah, I played volleyball, it was awesome to take 6 guys on the court and make it look easy, but when you take about 60+ people together to make music ... that's pretty awesome. Band is definitely where my memories are at. It was
I don't play anymore, and that has a lot to do with the fact that I loved band for where I finished when I graduated. It was solid. I wouldn't want to do anything to taint those memories.
To the Wind Ensemble kids, it was a pleasure to get to play with all of you again. See ya next year!
day 201. [twenty]
I just want to take this blog post and say thank you to everyone who wished me a "Happy 20th Birthday!"
As I'm getting older I'm starting to realize that it's not about the presents (although those are still pretty cool) or how awesome the party is going to be that determines how great of a birthday I'll have. I honestly am just enjoying the people who are in my life that get to share this special day with me. I'm definitely starting to appreciate the time I get to spend with people as well as the relationships that I have with certain people.
Everyone who wished me a Happy 20th ...
Most of all ...
As I'm getting older I'm starting to realize that it's not about the presents (although those are still pretty cool) or how awesome the party is going to be that determines how great of a birthday I'll have. I honestly am just enjoying the people who are in my life that get to share this special day with me. I'm definitely starting to appreciate the time I get to spend with people as well as the relationships that I have with certain people.
Everyone who wished me a Happy 20th ...
Most of all ...
day 200. [slinky]
If you're wondering what the picture is, it's of the slinky Kyle got me for my birthday. He gave it to me on my birthday outing with him, Sarah, and Walker. It's my first slinky I've ever owned :D
With that said, we played with it today after we got lunch at Thai Ginger.
Also, on December 15th, don't forget to wish me a Happy Birthday :) [20 Years Old!!]
Lastly, be sure to check out my flickr for a few pictures that aren't Project 365 related.
With that said, we played with it today after we got lunch at Thai Ginger.
Also, on December 15th, don't forget to wish me a Happy Birthday :) [20 Years Old!!]
Lastly, be sure to check out my flickr for a few pictures that aren't Project 365 related.
day 199. [finals]
The only thing that stands between me and going home is finals; four that is. Well, actually I only have two left ;)
day 196. [pizza]
Shipstad 2B and Villa 2B had a date ... a pizza date. I might not be part of 2B, but I was invited to have some pizza!
day 195. [chm278]
Dear Chemistry Lab & Lecture,
I just wanted to let you know that I stopped caring about you 14 weeks ago. Get it? That's when the semester started ...
Rick Andrew Baleros
I just wanted to let you know that I stopped caring about you 14 weeks ago. Get it? That's when the semester started ...
Rick Andrew Baleros
day 194. [productivity]
The kind of productivity that happened tonight wasn't the kind of productivity that needed to happen ...
- Listened to a sermon with Kyle [not bad]
- Watched God's Chisel with Kyle [again, not bad]
- Watched Alexander with Kyle [that was a dumb movie. so bad]
- Chatted with Kyle
day 193. [comfort]
Today was the day to not do anything wrong to me. Unfortunately that didn't happen.
Thanks Kyle :)
- I had the worst anxiety attack ever.
- Was late to class because I had to collect myself before going in. Got harassed for being late. I knew it was all for jokes.
- Pretty much felt like I was forgotten. It's a long story that you can freely ask me about anytime.
- Then I felt like I got picked on later. Again, all for jokes.
Thanks Kyle :)
day 192. [working]
With all the stupid things I did last year I completely forgot about how God works in us without any hesitation no matter where we are in our lives, or how far we are from him.
I had the opportunity to listen to a sermon on a podcast with Kyle. The pastor said something that pulled at all the strings in my heart. He never stopped.
I had the opportunity to listen to a sermon on a podcast with Kyle. The pastor said something that pulled at all the strings in my heart. He never stopped.
day 191. [holidays]
Room 231 (Kyle Hamm & Me) received a phone call from Christmas Spirit. We definitely answered that phone call. I guess Christmas Spirit called Kyle Cochran because by the looks of it he answered that phone call too.
I love the holidays. I especially love Christmas.
Even if it has become a holiday all about consumerism ;)
I love the holidays. I especially love Christmas.
Even if it has become a holiday all about consumerism ;)
day 189. [birthday outing]
Seeing as my birthday (December 15th, 2010) is during finals I have to do something with friends usually beforehand. Last year I had the opportunity to go out with a few friends to Old Spaghetti Factory.
Well, that's where I went this year :)
This time though I went with the best people I have in my life at this moment. Love you guys :)
The rest of the night was followed with watching Avatar with Kyle and then losing to him in a game of 10,000 :'(
As it stands though, I'm 2-1 and Kyle's 1-2. He definitely got lucky ;)
Well, that's where I went this year :)
This time though I went with the best people I have in my life at this moment. Love you guys :)
The rest of the night was followed with watching Avatar with Kyle and then losing to him in a game of 10,000 :'(
As it stands though, I'm 2-1 and Kyle's 1-2. He definitely got lucky ;)
day 188. [journal]
Yesterday can be classified as an "emotional" day. I'm not kidding either. I had a serious emotional breakdown yesterday that wasn't one bit related to school. It had to deal with stuff from almost 9 months ago.
I'll say this, for the past 9 months I had honestly been so afraid to full on ball over what happened to me. But yesterday was a day well spent with God. He saves. He saved me. He'll continue to save me so long as I have faith in him.
I'll say this, for the past 9 months I had honestly been so afraid to full on ball over what happened to me. But yesterday was a day well spent with God. He saves. He saved me. He'll continue to save me so long as I have faith in him.
day 187. [fail]
Physiology can go die in a hole and cease to never exist again. Don't get me wrong the class is fun and I've definitely learned quite a bit this semester. It's those darn exams that get me all the time. Hardest exams I've ever taken so far.
day 186. [scheduled]
This week has been nothing but following an outlined schedule for myself. I'm quite confident in saying that this week will be my dead week. Next week is definitely going to be cake compared to this hell of a week.
day 184. [surprise!]
I saw the Toy Story 3 toy at Target and had to get it for a surprise for Kyle. Well, he surprised me with his haircut!!
day 182. [united generation]
"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart will find in every hour, some heavenly blessings." - Henry Ward Beecher
I went to Puyallup Foursquare tonight for Family night and the speaker spoke on being thankful. I must say that I am so thankful for having a God that will unwillingly take my pain and hurt, because we know that our bodies were not meant to carry the sin that we face everyday.
I went to Puyallup Foursquare tonight for Family night and the speaker spoke on being thankful. I must say that I am so thankful for having a God that will unwillingly take my pain and hurt, because we know that our bodies were not meant to carry the sin that we face everyday.
day 181. [thanks]
Today is the half-way mark of my Project 365. I've officially done 6 months worth of photos. What a better day to have my half way mark land on because the truth is ... I'm so thankful for each and every one of you who look at this blog or found yourselves stumbling on it every now and then.
I really mean it too. I say that because when I started this Project 365 the thought of taking photos for a whole year was kind of out there for me. Yeah I liked photography, but the thought of it everyday was going to be new to me.
The other thing is, I've let you, as a reader/follower, into my life. Not that I'm not open or I've got some deep dark secrets to hide, but I've honestly just allowed you to see into my life for the next year. That brings me to the other thing I wanted to say. I follow different Project 365's and seeing how different they are is so cool.
Some people do theirs to honestly just show people how awesome they are at photography. I decided to take a different route and be as personal as I can be through my photos so you can get the sense of who I am? Who my friends are? What my life is like? All of that stuff.
Since I've said my "thank you" to my readers/followers, I just want to say a few thank you's to some other groups/people.
Friends from Oak Harbor: I love all of you guys. Whether we talk or not now, I love you guys. I love the fact that I can go home during a break or just come home in general knowing that there are people there who are ready to catch-up and have some fun!
Friends I graduated with: Some of us have gone our own ways, but despite college and finally living our own lives I'm thankful that we still make time for each other to catch up with the little time we may have. It's always just fun catching up with some of you guys because I really do miss spending time with you. On the other hand, it's exciting to know that we are finally having the lives we wanted to have.
Friends from University of Portland: To all of you guys, I'll pick some out in just a bit, I'm thankful for getting to see you all the time at school. I don't care what dorm we live in, or what our major is, I just love seeing you guys where ever I walk to on campus. Keep being awesome ;)
Now to pick on some special people ;)
Sean Welch: As much as I could say, "You don't understand how thankful I am for you" you'll still understand how thankful I am. It's been awesome really getting to know you since the end of our junior year. God has definitely taken our friendship on a crazy ride, but I'm glad I was on this crazy ride with you. I always look forward to our catch ups when I'm home for breaks. Love ya Sean!
Jordan Kingma: We've had an interesting relationship as well, but I'm glad to say that we're past all of that now. We definitely have not let college get in the way of our friendship that we started in high school. Just like Sean, it's always so much fun getting to catch up with you during breaks. Breakfast at Starbucks is always a must. It's kind of the staple of our friendship. Thank you so much for just being there during those rough times in high school.
Calley Yeadon: Our friendship is young, but I don't mind one bit. We're such trouble together, but it's alright because I've learned that sometimes getting in trouble is the way to learn things. Might not be the ideal setting, but it works ;). Love you best fran!
Sarah Boomer: Yeah, that's right, if you're reading this I find you as someone who I find special. We are so alike, and yet we are so different. I'm glad that we have some differences, otherwise this friendship would be pretty predictable and stale. I know I can count on you to be the friend who has something wise to say ... all the time. It just comes natural for you to have something wise to say. I love it. I appreciate it. I'm glad we're besties!
Kyle Cochran: Yeah, that's right also, I'm totally typing out a thank you to you. You're a blessing. I shouldn't have met you this year. You shouldn't have met me this year, but we both know God does some pretty funny things. This might be one of the funny things he does that I'm laughing with, ha. I'm more than glad to have met you. You as a person have honestly made me realize that I'm so much stronger than I think I am. You've made me realize that I'm a fighter, and that my ultimate goal is to win. I'm not holding onto that rope anymore. I'm starting to let go. Thanks so much for all the support this past semester. You're totes awesome. Awww yeah! ;). It's definitely been REAL good.
How can I forget my family?
Family: We can be so dysfunctional sometimes. Admit it, we can be. Despite that though we manage to make it out alive. I know I wouldn't be here with out your continual support over the years. I've made some pretty dumb mistakes. But you never held it against me. You allowed me to learn from them. It sucked, but I think I'd rather learn from my mistakes than get in all the trouble that some of my friends got in. I could go on and on saying how thankful I am for you guys, but I'm pretty sure you get it and know what I mean :)
I hope all of you have had an amazing Thanksgiving! I know I did. Which brings me to one last person. I just want to say thanks to Ben Walker for taking me in this year to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. It's been fun. It was real good. I mean ... REALLY good. Awww yeah ;)
I really mean it too. I say that because when I started this Project 365 the thought of taking photos for a whole year was kind of out there for me. Yeah I liked photography, but the thought of it everyday was going to be new to me.
The other thing is, I've let you, as a reader/follower, into my life. Not that I'm not open or I've got some deep dark secrets to hide, but I've honestly just allowed you to see into my life for the next year. That brings me to the other thing I wanted to say. I follow different Project 365's and seeing how different they are is so cool.
Some people do theirs to honestly just show people how awesome they are at photography. I decided to take a different route and be as personal as I can be through my photos so you can get the sense of who I am? Who my friends are? What my life is like? All of that stuff.
Since I've said my "thank you" to my readers/followers, I just want to say a few thank you's to some other groups/people.
Friends from Oak Harbor: I love all of you guys. Whether we talk or not now, I love you guys. I love the fact that I can go home during a break or just come home in general knowing that there are people there who are ready to catch-up and have some fun!

Now to pick on some special people ;)
Sean Welch: As much as I could say, "You don't understand how thankful I am for you" you'll still understand how thankful I am. It's been awesome really getting to know you since the end of our junior year. God has definitely taken our friendship on a crazy ride, but I'm glad I was on this crazy ride with you. I always look forward to our catch ups when I'm home for breaks. Love ya Sean!

How can I forget my family?
Family: We can be so dysfunctional sometimes. Admit it, we can be. Despite that though we manage to make it out alive. I know I wouldn't be here with out your continual support over the years. I've made some pretty dumb mistakes. But you never held it against me. You allowed me to learn from them. It sucked, but I think I'd rather learn from my mistakes than get in all the trouble that some of my friends got in. I could go on and on saying how thankful I am for you guys, but I'm pretty sure you get it and know what I mean :)
I hope all of you have had an amazing Thanksgiving! I know I did. Which brings me to one last person. I just want to say thanks to Ben Walker for taking me in this year to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. It's been fun. It was real good. I mean ... REALLY good. Awww yeah ;)
day 180. [real snow]
To all of those people that were freaking out in Portland a few days ago because of the "snow" this is just a glimpse as to what real snow looks like.
day 179. [ball of fabric]
At this very moment it's about 17 degrees ... I'm in my room wrapped up in all of the sweaters and jackets I have.
I'm from Washington and I can't even rough out this cold weather =/
I'm from Washington and I can't even rough out this cold weather =/
day 178. [blood]
I gave blood for the 2nd time today. I'm really proud of myself because I gave blood like a champ. I'm afraid of needles, but I totally gave blood today like a champ ;)
PS. day 004 was the first time I ever gave blood :)
PS. day 004 was the first time I ever gave blood :)
day 177. [rematch]
Remember that game I told you I beat Kyle in on Friday? Well, we played it again today for a rematch. Some rematch ... I won ... again.
Guess it's not beginner's luck after all ;)
Guess it's not beginner's luck after all ;)
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