day 276. [social science]

How can I say this without coming off so excited? Oh wait!? I can't! I'm no longer a Biology Major with the emphasis of Pre-Dental. What am I now you ask? I'm now a Psychology Major with the emphasis of Pre-Dental. Probably one of the best decisions I've made in my four semesters here at the University of Portland. For once I finally feel happy :)

day 275. [oh dear lord]

I have an Organic Chemistry Exam tomorrow ... Last I checked I didn't really give a crap about a molecules chirality ... Also, I don't care if it's R or S ... ha.

day 274. [make, take, and bake]

Every Saturday we have something called "Pilots After Dark." It's an event that is put on by RHA and the RA's. Tonight's P.A.D. was "Make, Take, and Bake." I made two jars of chocolate chip cookie mix!! ;)

day 273. [mug shot]

I've finished 75.0% of my Project 365. It's crazy to think that I've gotten this far. Anyways, I got Kyle this cool mug for his birthday, which is on March 2nd. He'll be the big 21!! I'm glad he thoroughly enjoyed my gift :)

Check out the flickr from some extra-extra shots!!

day 272. [lovely]

I went to go see Black Swan, but because there was no ticket stub, I couldn't take a picture of that. Either way though, while doing homework I was having to go through my drawers to find something. This is what one of my desk drawers looks like. It's it just lovely?

day 271. [holga]

This just came in! Some "starter kit" though ... didn't come with any film, haha. Looks like I know what I'll need to purchase sometime soon, especially if I want to start playing around with this baby :)

day 270. [asup elections]

ASUP Executive Board Elections started this morning at 7 AM and will go on until February 23rd 8 PM!! Get on your Portal and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

day 269. [sickness]

I woke up with that all too familiar feeling of being sick. So before I went to my 8:10 class, I stocked up on the liquids, cough drops, and Vitamin C tablets. It was worth it all.

day 268. [disconnected]

I was going through a tough time today. I felt disconnected from the rest of the world. Didn't help that I also disconnected myself from the rest of the world as well.

day 267. [parents]

My parents are in town this weekend. Went out to dinner with them. Mom asked if Kyle would like to go to dinner with us. He came too. He met them. End of story.

day 266. [butane]

I got to hang out with my buddy Ian!! He showed me what a lighter and butane can do. It was super sad/nerdy though that when he said butane I instantly thought, "hmm! 4 carbon chain with 10 hydrogens!"

haha X)

day 265. [moo-stash]

First of all, I have 100 days left of my Project 365!! CRAZY!? I KNOW!!

Kyle and I read Romans today, but we decided to do some mustache photos, bahaha X)

day 264. [english]

This goes out to the college students:

Have you guys ever had a professor, or have, that taught their class as if it was the only class you were taking? Also, have you ever had a professor that might have taken a little too much pride in their 100-level?

If you answer yes, then you know how I feel ...

day 263. [vote]

Voting is in a week! Get out there and get informed as to who to vote for. It's important that as a University of Portland student that you vote for YOUR Executive Board.

day 262. [valentine's day]

It's Valentine's Day! So far it has been one of the best one's I've had since Kindergarten!! Hope you're all having wonderful V-Days!

day 261. [change of place]

The roommate and I decided to switch bed frames. My bed is now right next to my desk.

day 260. [relax]

I only did my Organic Chemistry homework today. I wanted to do more homework, but I really think I deserved to just relax today.
Trust me, after a week like I had, you'd want to relax too!
  • Monday: Lab Report due in O-Chem Lab
  • Tuesday: Paper due in Psychology & College Writing
  • Friday: ETHICS EXAM
Seriously, wouldn't you want to just relax today and color too?

day 259. [laundry]

While Kyle and I watched some movies yesterday, we had our laundry going at the same time. I was two weeks overdue on the laundry, so it was good timing that I did it!

day 258. [left-foot, right-foot]

The bestie and I went on a walk yesterday. It was a nice study break, and a nice way to catch up with the bestie.

day 257. [distracted]

Tony and I were *studying for our Psychology Exam that we have tomorrow. So much for that though ...

Note to self: Never study with Tony ever again for an exam.

day 256. [i need to study]

I have a microbiology exam tomorrow. I needed to study, but God decided to intervene for a short period of time.

"I get it God, I'm not in control. I'm not you ..."

I wanna live in you. I wanna breathe in you. I wanna be all the things you've called me to. I wanna stay in you. Put my faith in you. I wanna let my life reside in you.

day 255. [assassin]

Assassin's is all about being paranoid for the next few weeks. I'm not playing this year. Last year sucked too. SCREW YOU MARSHALL MILLER!

day 254. [psalm 13]

I finished reading through the book of Hebrews the other day. I'm reading a new book, one that I haven't read before - The Psalms. The thing is, I'm going to try and do it in a month, so that's five-a-day for the next 30 days! As of right now I've got 135 more to go!

day 253. [business casual]

I had my Group Interviews today for the RA position. I'm crossing my fingers and praying that I get the position! Whatever happens is not in my control though.

day 252. [meg & dia]

I love the fact that my school is able to have such things like Coffeehouses on campus. If it weren't for tonight's coffeehouse I wouldn't have been able to meet Meg & Dia!! Mind you, I've been listening to them since I was a sophomore in high school. It's been some time!!

Oh how I almost passed out yesterday >_> ha.

day 251. [nicola's]

I went to lunch with Walker today! If you haven't guessed yet, I've been having a lot of one-on-one lunch dates with people :)

We went to Nicola's for lunch at a very last minute decision mainly due to the fact that I had never eaten there and I've rarely eaten anything from there anyways.

It was quite a good time with my favorite freshman!! [one of them at least, haha]

Ps. My little freshman is now 19 years old, as of Tuesday February 1st, 2011!

day 250. [construction]

Got to see my buddy Ian put together his bike today! Check out some other photos on my flickr ;)

day 249. [models]

I studied for my O-Chem exam that's on Friday. Using the molecule set is quite handy when it comes to actually seeing what I'm working with!