day 002. [homework]

Today started by waking up 8:45 AM to get ready for church, which wasn't until 10:00 AM. I loved today's message on Philippians 4:10-20. The worship music was awesome and just added to the message that was given. After wards I came back to campus to have lunch with a few people. Before I had lunch though I ended up grabbing my backpack from my room because I knew I wanted to do some homework after I ate. Although lunch was fun, it was definitely not glorious seeing as it was in The Cove. It was alright though because in the end I had lunch with friends - that's all that mattered.

(I'm about to reference the library, haha) I'm used to the library being open early in the morning to late at night, but the library today wasn't even open until 2 PM. It was kind of weird for me because for a second I didn't know where I was going to do my homework until then, haha. I ended up doing my history homework in the Pilot House. Very different location. Personally I wouldn't do my homework there everyday. How some do it ... beats me!?

After I read for history though I needed to move to the library to do some research for BibTrad. I ran into Madison there. After all, she does work in the library. I found some books on my passage that I'm doing for that class (Philippians 2:1-11). I also made some copies of the pages from a reference book that I needed [Thanks Madison for the help and the copy card!].

Because Madison wanted to visit me in Corrado I decided to up it by asking if she wanted to do dinner. We ended up going to Thai Ginger. I would have loved to put that picture up, but I'm not going to base my project off of "phood photography". Maybe another time I go there I'll put a picture of my dish from Thai Ginger!
We both ended up getting Pineapple Cashew Fried Rice, but I had shrimp with mine. We both got drinks too, I got Sprite and she got Coke. It was tons of fun hanging out with her! Hers was $10 and mine was $11.

After that though, I ended up coming back to Corrado and was on the phone with Tarra about a Communications minor. It was cool because I decided to take laps around the west quad while I spoke to her. That was today, I'm about ready to head to bed even though I have tomorrow off because of Memorial Day (the one holiday UP recognizes, bahaha).

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic =P. Haha. Sounds like 365 is off to a great start =D!
