(I'm about to reference the library, haha) I'm used to the library being open early in the morning to late at night, but the library today wasn't even open until 2 PM. It was kind of weird for me because for a second I didn't know where I was going to do my homework until then, haha. I ended up doing my history homework in the Pilot House. Very different location. Personally I wouldn't do my homework there everyday. How some do it ... beats me!?
After I read for history though I needed to move to the library to do some research for BibTrad. I ran into Madison there. After all, she does work in the library. I found some books on my passage that I'm doing for that class (Philippians 2:1-11). I also made some copies of the pages from a reference book that I needed [Thanks Madison for the help and the copy card!].
Because Madison wanted to visit me in Corrado I decided to up it by asking if she wanted to do dinner. We ended up going to Thai Ginger. I would have loved to put that picture up, but I'm not going to base my project off of "phood photography". Maybe another time I go there I'll put a picture of my dish from Thai Ginger!
After that though, I ended up coming back to Corrado and was on the phone with Tarra about a Communications minor. It was cool because I decided to take laps around the west quad while I spoke to her. That was today, I'm about ready to head to bed even though I have tomorrow off because of Memorial Day (the one holiday UP recognizes, bahaha).
Love the pic =P. Haha. Sounds like 365 is off to a great start =D!