day 040. [photography buddy]

Now, if you've been following you know that a few posts ago (day 024.) I was writing in disappointment in how the first day of summer was a complete utter fail. Well, today was a little different. These past two days have seriously started to feel like summer. In fact, according to my little weather gadget on my mac it's showing that today's high was 80-degrees. It's about 10:19 PM right now and it's a good 64-degrees out. So the sun is definitely coming out, and it will be out for the rest of this week.

What I love most about the sun though is I'm fixing up tan lines that so desperately need to be fixed, haha.

Anyways, on to today! I started today off by going to my dentist appointment. Now, let me tell you something that might blow your mind away, haha. I'm now going into my 20th year of not having a single cavity [knocks on wood]. I'm pretty much the poster child of what dentist look for in a patient. If only I could have been the poster child for braces (should have worn that retainer ...), haha. I'm not going to lie, I was quite excited to hear that I went another dentist appointment without finding a single cavity. In fact I will quote what my dental hygienist, "This is by far the best dentist appointment you've ever had." I don't like to toot my own horn, but I knew it was going to be a good one, bahaha.

Afterwards I ended up just getting my haircut. For some the last time you saw me my hair was just getting over an inch long, for others it might have been a goo 1/8th of an inch long. Well, after that haircut, my hair is back to 1/8th and I quite like it this way :)

When I got home, I had a meeting with one of the seniors that I will be doing portraits for in the next few weeks. We got some ideas down and locations to go. Speaking of senior portraits my number of "clients" has gone up from 3 to 5!! If you're wondering who's photos I'm taking (even if you don't know them) they are:
  • James Middleton
  • Steven Welch
  • Caytie Matthews
  • Allison Duvenez
  • Brandon Rhine
It's exciting to know that I've got 5 times the "clients" as I did last year. It will be a fun group to take pictures of. Like I said before though, keep an eye out seeing as some of their photos might grace the pages of my blog!

Once Steven left though I decided to take a nap because it was just so darn hot. I took it outside though, haha. But around 5:30ish my good friend Bailey came by to pick me up so we could hang out for a bit. We were also joined by our other friend Christian. It was fun hanging out with these guys seeing the last time I hung out with them it was during my Fall Break last October. So it's been a good more than half a year since I've seen these two. That ended early though because of last minute change of plans, but that was alright.

I spent the rest of the night at the cadre party that was going on at City Beach. If you're wondering what cadre means, it's just the small groups from our youth group were having an end of the cadre year party. After today, cadres are done until school starts up again. I had a blast hanging out with some of those guys because I haven't seen some of them in awhile. What's really cool though is I think I found a new photography buddy! There's something about having photography buddies that makes the idea of photography ten times more fun. What's even better is my photography buddy is Bailey's brother, Matt Poggie! He might tag along when I do James' photos sometime in the next few weeks. That will be exciting. As for my photography buddies they are as listed:
  • Pam Dupa
  • Brian Dyche
  • Matt Nienhuis
  • Steven Welch
  • Erika Acode
  • Matt Poggie
YAY!!! I hope to get the opportunity to work with each of them this summer. It's still a hot day, but I'm going to call it a night and get some seriously needed shut eye. Hope you guys are having great summers.

PS. Sorry that this ended up being so long :|


  1. I can't wait to get some photo sessions going this summer!! I'm excited =D!

  2. I KNOW!! We'll definitely have to plan out a day to just go on a photography spree!
