day 125. [fall?]

The weather here in Portland has been a little too nice for it to be fall right now. It's almost as if summer and fall are seeing who can last the longest. By the looks of it though summer is totes winning ;)

day 124. [voodoo]

Thanks to Sarah Wong for getting me breakfast ;)

Either way though, it totes made my day!

day 123. [lady pilots]

It was time to watch some University of Portland Pilots play some Volleyball. We won that night against Trinity Western (team from Canada).

Way to go PILOTS!!

day 122. [physiology]

Study! Study! Study!
Studying the night away for a physiology exam = totes not fun.

day 121. [bowling]

It's time for short posts again :)

I had an awesome time bowling with my fellow 2nd Floor Villans. Unfortunately, I did not kick Kyle's ass at bowling like I had intended ... next time though :)

PS. I had to use Kyle's camera because I was the idiot that forgot mine, haha. Thanks Kyle!

day 120. [club soccer]

I feel like making a long post, but not one that is too long to the point where I don't want to read it, haha. Anyways, today's post marks the one-third mark of this whole project. To be honest with you, I can't believe how far I've made it on this project.

A lot has definitely happened since day 001 on May 29th, 2010.

Moving on though, this last week was a tough one, for those of you who might be wondering. There was just a lot of things going on class wise and it was making me feel overwhelmed. I had quite the mental breakdowns and quite the anxiety attacks. It got to the point where I decided to sign up to see a counselor at the health center. On top of that though I also questioned my major, and if I even wanted to stay Biology. At the end of the week though I've decided to stick with my major because I can't see myself doing another major after a whole year of disciplining myself in the sciences, especially the biological sciences.

I don't think I would have made it through this week without my friends always making sure I was alright. Some of them were in the same boat as I was, so props to us guys. I especially want to thank Kyle Cochran for opening up his room to me so I could do my homework there.

Seriously, my room was under high stress levels and the library even stressed me out. It just so happened that Kyle's room was a room that kept me calm. His couch was so comfy that I even fell asleep on it briefly.

Speaking of Kyle though, I ended up watching his Club Soccer game today. They didn't have refs show up so they just scrimmaged against the other team. As far as I know ... they won. I'd be down to watch more of their home games. Probably won't take pictures again because I just wanted to watch them play.

Afterwards I went back to Concordia to watch Clair and her team win yet again. Nice job ladies ;)

PS. I should mention ... I've gone PRO!!

day 119. [concordia]

It was so much fun seeing my friend Clair volleyball yesterday at Concordia. She's a beast ;)

PS. This is their setter, not Clair. haha. She's a hitter :D

day 118. [cookies!]

Not only was there a stamp of approval for these cookies. I also shared my cookies with people because that's what Calley told me to do ;)

day 117. [room 222]

Thanks to Kyle Cochran, I had a place to work that wasn't stressing me out this whole week. Welcome to Room #222 in Villa Maria :)

day 116. [sanity]

Music is just one of the things that got me through this week. Oh music, how you are so soothing to my ears when I'm having a mental breakdown.

day 115. [exhausted]

Who knew that this week was going to be physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. It got to the point where I had to take a break and walk around campus with my camera ;)

day 114. [letter]

I'm aware that you mail isn't delivered on Sunday's, it's just I don't check my mail during the weekdays. SO with that though ...


day 113. [bingo]

BINGO was way too much fun yesterday. My friends and I won a feast. Pretty sure people don't like us after yesterday night. If you were there and you don't like my friends and I for being so loud ... DEAL WITH IT!

day 112. [coffeehouse]

First coffeehouse of the year was a success. This coffeehouse featured Five Times August. Some of you might know his music from various TV shows. I honestly don't know which ones they are, but I know his music has been on some TV shows!

day 111. [twins?]

Mara & Kellie

Something about the University of Portland that is actually really cool is the fact that we have a ton of twins on campus.

What's even better is when we each find our own twins ;)

Meet my twin!
Lou & Rick!!

day 110. [plaid]

Looks kind of like my profile picture, but it's not. It's just me in a different plaid shirt ;)

By profile, I mean my Facebook profile picture :)

day 109. [taquería]

The taquería in St. Johns is probably one of the best places that's close to campus to get Mexican food. To top it off, it's cheap ;)

day 108. [chemistry: part II]

It was another day full of chemistry related things:

  • Chemistry Workshop
  • Finishing up my Chemistry Lab Notebook for tomorrow
  • Reading some Physiology, which requires knowledge of Chemistry
When will this end!? Oh yeah, that's right ... when I graduate in three years X)

day 107. [chemistry]

Days like today I ask myself why I'm a science major.
Days like today I ask myself why I like science
Days like today I ask myself what was I thinking when I took chemistry.

Chemistry pretty much ran my day today :'(

day 106. [oktoberfest]

I got a stein from Oktoberfest!! Well, long story short, the guy gave me his second one. So ... THANKS RANDOM GUY WHO GOES TO SCHOOL WITH ME!! You have no idea how much you made my night :)

day 105. [cross country]

What I love most about the University of Portland is that we aren't just good at soccer. We can also run really well at this school.

Great job today University of Portland Cross Country Team!!

day 104. [break dance]

It's another night of Cafe here in Villa. Tonight was a little different because we had someone break dance outside in front of Villa. Ben (?) is only a freshman, but he's pretty good at what he's doing. Keep it up!!

day 103. [library]

I finally made it back to the library. It felt good, just there weren't as many people there as I thought would be there. I mean, at one point it was just me and another student in there. It was kind of sad :(

By the way, a new library blog will be up on the Adventures of Rick & Tarra blog soon :)

Be sure to keep an eye out!

day 102. [2_C]

We were originally known as 2BC, but with the amount of freshmen living in 2B, the wing has unfortunately split into 2B_ and 2_C, ha.

As a wing though, we did go out on our lovely wing dinner to the Light House. It's a popular place to go an eat if you ask me. Their Light House Burgers are GINORMOUS!! I would never be able to eat one.

Btw, lighting in their sucked! I managed to get it working though ;)

day 101. [senate]

You don't realize how much I miss senate. To be able to proxy for someone and know that I'm applying for senate again just makes me joyous.

For those of you out there who don't know, student government is kind of part of my life. I was in it during middle school. I was in it in high school. In some of the clubs I was part of I also held a leadership position. It's in my blood to be part of this kind of stuff. So excited!

day 100. [serenade]

We do what we do best in Villa. That is, we serenade the women of the west quad. I couldn't have chosen a better highlight of my day to represent my 100th day of this project. Think about it, only 265 more days left ;)

If you would like to recap on the past 100 days, please feel free to look through this album by clicking on this link.

day 099. [pilots after dark]

Last year Pilots After Dark was kind of a fail ... it's the truth.

After last night though with the back alley dance party, Pilots After Dark might have redeemed itself!!

Mocktails, Glowsticks, and Dancing -- sounds kind of like my place to be ;)

day 098. [pride slide]

It's Friday here in Portland. There's also a home soccer game tonight. What better way to get us pumped up for the game other than by doing a PRIDE SLIDE!!

Pilots till I die :)

day 097. [cafe procrastinate]

Thursday's on campus are defined by the classy looking men of Villa as well as the Cafe Procrastinate that is held in the evening.

It's an awesome time to forget to do your homework, haha. In my case ... Calculus What!? It's probably one hell of a social event that goes on here in Villa!!

As for those quizzes though, they went well. One of them I knew exactly how I was doing. As for the other ... well, let's not talk about it, haha.

Tomorrow's Friday ... FINALLY!!!

PS. I should mention that Cafe is PACKED!! The picture is seriously just a snippet of who was actually here tonight!

day 096. [study]

I can't believe I'm saying this during the first week of school, but I have quizzes tomorrow. One in Physiology Lecture and one in Calculus Lecture.

I don't remember freshmen year being like this year has already been. Busy, busy, busy.

Prayers are appreciated, haha.