day 120. [club soccer]

I feel like making a long post, but not one that is too long to the point where I don't want to read it, haha. Anyways, today's post marks the one-third mark of this whole project. To be honest with you, I can't believe how far I've made it on this project.

A lot has definitely happened since day 001 on May 29th, 2010.

Moving on though, this last week was a tough one, for those of you who might be wondering. There was just a lot of things going on class wise and it was making me feel overwhelmed. I had quite the mental breakdowns and quite the anxiety attacks. It got to the point where I decided to sign up to see a counselor at the health center. On top of that though I also questioned my major, and if I even wanted to stay Biology. At the end of the week though I've decided to stick with my major because I can't see myself doing another major after a whole year of disciplining myself in the sciences, especially the biological sciences.

I don't think I would have made it through this week without my friends always making sure I was alright. Some of them were in the same boat as I was, so props to us guys. I especially want to thank Kyle Cochran for opening up his room to me so I could do my homework there.

Seriously, my room was under high stress levels and the library even stressed me out. It just so happened that Kyle's room was a room that kept me calm. His couch was so comfy that I even fell asleep on it briefly.

Speaking of Kyle though, I ended up watching his Club Soccer game today. They didn't have refs show up so they just scrimmaged against the other team. As far as I know ... they won. I'd be down to watch more of their home games. Probably won't take pictures again because I just wanted to watch them play.

Afterwards I went back to Concordia to watch Clair and her team win yet again. Nice job ladies ;)

PS. I should mention ... I've gone PRO!!

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