day 248. [drawings]

So in Organic Chemistry, Vivien and I draw little doodles on each others' pages in our notebooks. Despite doing so, we still manage to pay attention and get the notes needed.

day 247. [perception & sensation]

I worked with my Psychology group to get a presentation ready for Thursday. Ours is bomb dot com. Be jealous ;)

day 246. [hipster]

Along with 1,349 other people, I went to Dance of the Decades. I went as workout 80's!! Had some super short shorts and a cut off t-shirt along with my head band, ha.

That's besides the point though. Prior to that Kyle and I did a small and quick photo shoot in which he looked like an ultimate hipster, ha. Check out some other photos over on my flickr.

day 245. [fried rice]

Went to lunch with Kyle today. Lucky duck doesn't have class on Friday's, but that's alright because it allows us to have lunch!!

day 244. [tennis]

I played tennis with Jordan yesterday. First of all, yesterday night was the first time I had picked up my racket in a long time ... It wasn't that bad at all to tell you the truth ;)

Oh yeah, we got invited to the tennis match by the team because of her legs and her 0.7 ratio :P

day 243. [sunlight]

It was a sunny day in Portland and I decided to capture a photo with some sunlight in it before the weather goes back to what the Northwest is so used to.

day 242. [lunch]

I had lunch with my bestie, Sarah Boomer, and then we had a special friend of ours join in on our little lunch get together ... KELLY HAN!!

day 241. [meh]

 I had a lot of things on my plate today. As crazy as it was though, it was just kind of “meh” in regards to what my better days are like. It was Monday, but things will pick up.

day 240. [o-chem]

It was an Organic Chemistry kind of day. Did my lab notebook, which I much prefer the layout of O-Chem than General Chemistry. Did some homework problems. I even read for O-Chem. I’m off to the right start! Maybe not the greatest, but it’s the right start ;)

day 239. [james]

Started doing devos with Kyle. We’ve started James.

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

day 238. [tcby]

Today was probably one of the BEST DAYS EVER!!

That's because of the following
  • I got out of lecture by 11:15!!
  • Had lunch with Kyle
  • Surprised Lindsey [with Kyle ... obviously] while she was at work
  • Went to TCBY for the first time and got a gnarly parfait
  • Hung out with Lindsey & Kyle
  • Watched Friends with Lindsey & Kyle
It was just a "bomb dot com" kind of day ;)

day 237. [busy]

Now that the whole school thing has started up again, you can only guess that posting won't be everyday like it was over break. Days like Thursday keep me pretty busy, but the best part is I was done with class at 12:45 and had most of the day to do all that was needed to be done. That even included watching an hour of Planet Earth and chatting it up with Kyle ;)

day 236. [psychology]

If you thought this was a picture of my Physiology text book I'd have to tell you that you're wrong. That's because this is actually a picture of my Psychology text book.

"Psychology's intellectual parents were the disciplines of philsophy and physiology." <-- WIN!!

day 235. [dinosaurs]

Made it in time for Hall Mass. One of the things I like about Hall Mass, aside from fellowship/community with the guys in my hall, is the after mass socials. Cupcakes with Dinosaur rings!!

day 233. [dope]

I had left my Planet Earth DVD set back at home all of Fall Semester. I had them with me last year, but no one (I mean no one) wanted to watch them with me. Kyle and I have thus started the journey of Planet Earth! 17 hours to go!!

day 232. [despicable me]

My last night in town I had a small movie night with Greg & Laura. We watched Despicable Me. It was great :)

We be fist pumpin' the night away!!

day 231. [basketball]

Went to an OHHS Boy's Basketball game this evening. I've never seen so many people at a guy's game before, but I guess that has partly to due with some improvements to the guy's team. Way to go tonight!! Winning 56-50 in overtime!!

day 230. [dentist]

If you know me, you know that I get excited when I have dentist appointments. I had one today. 20 years without a cavity!! WHAT!? WHAT!?

I also went to the wrestling match at the high school. Check out the flickr for some of those shots. I should mention that this is the first time I've ever done wrestling. Forgot the flash at home ...

day 229. [sitting]

I sat on babies today, haha. No, I actually just helped babysit some of the kid's at the church while their parents were in a meeting. Working with kid's surprisingly makes me not only want some of my own, but it makes me want to have them now, haha. SO CUTE!!

If you're wondering, they put on puppet shows sharing stories from the Bible :D

day 228. [school supplies]

New Semester = New School Supplies!!

Fact: The school supply aisle is my favorite aisle ;)

day 227. [coupeville]

So I went to Living Hope's Youth Group yesterday with Elyse and Mary. It was so nice to experience the intimacy of the youth group. It totally reminded me of my senior year at LYC [aka 701!!]. I have a feeling I'll be going there a bit more this summer. I'll also be hitting up Mill Creek's Youth Group this summer too!!

day 226. [snowing]

I know that a few posts ago, actually the day before Thanksgiving, I posted a picture of some snow in Auburn ... well that was in the dark. Thanks so much to the weather Gods though (aka Mother Nature) it snowed here in Oak Harbor. I kind of wish it didn't, haha.

Either way though, it happened and it'll probably be gone by tomorrow. If not, I'll definitely be in shock!

day 225. [ballin']

I literally watched three basketball games yesterday on FSN. All were Washington vs. Oregon schools ...
  • Oregon Beavers vs. Washington Huskies
  • Portland Pilots vs. Gonzaga Bulldogs
  • Oregon Ducks vs. Washington Cougars
Congrats to the WA schools for sweeping the Portland schools. Even though I wanted the Pilots and Ducks to win yesterday. Nice job though Pilots! [PILOTS TIL I DIE!]

Watching the games yesterday though made me start to miss basketball. I wish I still played a little bit, but I've got volleyball now and that's all I really need when it comes to a sport.

day 224. [late night]

Late night phone call with the bestie. haha. What more do I have to say?

day 223. [band geek]

For those that don't know ... I'm a band geek. I will always be a band geek no matter how hard I try to deny it. I can play the "science" kid role all I want, heck I can play the "athlete" role all I want too but the moment we start talking about band stuff all hell breaks loose and out comes this kid some people have never met.

My brother and I did band all throughout middle school and high school. We played for the same teachers. We played for the same band district. In fact, we even played some of the same songs. We're 10 years apart though, ha.

It was so good to just talk about band because like I wrote in one of my posts - band is where a lot of my good memories come from. Some days band was a struggle, but other days band was a lot of fun. SO much fun.

To end it, I busted out the oboe and played today for a bit. Give me a month or two and I could definitely be back to where I was in high school.

One last thing. It would be too easy for me to remember our song set for contest senior year, so I put it upon myself to try and remember our song set for 8th Grade Contest. GO PANTHERS!!

Check these three songs out:

01. Exaltation by James Swearingen
02. Fire Dance by David Shaffer
03. Ballade by Derren Jenkins

I should mention, none of these recordings are of the actual OHMS 8th Grade Band, ha.

day 222. [movies]

These definitely aren’t the movies I watched tonight, but tonight was a night where I sipped on some hot chocolate and watched a few good movies :)

day 221. [stickers]

 I got mail today. Not just any kind of mail, but stickers from Andrew Bravener. I've been following him on YouTube since I was a senior in high school. Check out his YouTube Channel there, which links you to his twitter account!!

Thank you so much Andrew for these stickers (and Pokemon cards!)

day 220. [endurance]

I went on a run today. It took a lot of work surprisingly, haha. I mean I work out at school and what not, but it was just so flippin cold that it was hard to run X)

day 219. [4-square]

I honestly love the Four Square Community in the State of Washington. We all meet each other at Summer Camp or at any other retreats/conferences. The best part about meeting all of these people though is we become friends and it makes visiting each others youth groups so easy and comfortable. As one of the guys said tonight, "This is how a church should work. We should be able to visit each other and feel at home." So true.

Also, Phil just brought it tonight! ... What have you done that I can't undo?

day 218. [fresh]

It's the new year. It's a time for new beginnings.

It's so good to see my buddy Micah heading off to Moody to become a Pastor. I'm so excited for him! You're going to rock it in Chicago, Micah!!