day 307. [maxed out]

I was maxed out yesterday. On stress levels. On motivation to get work done. Even my tears that I could cry [3 break downs]. I will leave you with three different messages.

Dear Organic Chemistry,
You aren't funny, so don't even try and make a joke out of me.
Dear Ethics,
Let's be honest, I don't care about modern ethical theories and the "schizophrenic split" that has occurred because of the lack of motives that justify our actions. I just don't care.
Dear English Professor,
You do realize that you are getting this message because you are at fault for one of my breakdowns yesterday. You're not very funny either. In fact, I'm not sure if you're capable of any emotions ... :\

Sincerely, Rick!

day 306. [guy love]

After a long day, where I didn't actually get to sleep, full of doing homework here and doing homework there. Meeting so-and-so here and meeting so-and-so there. I ended up FINALLY coming back to my door with this lovely message from my good buddy Tony.

Let's just say that there isn't anything for you to worry about. This is normal behavior from the both of us towards each other ... haha. Just don't worry about anything :)

day 305. [prof. moore]

For those that aren't in college, get in the habit of studying with a group of people. I have yet to go through a class where I don't study with anybody before an exam. It's so helpful. It's honestly an opportunity for everybody in the group to play teacher. It's the only way I've managed to do well in majority of my classes.

PS. I should mention that this is the first photo of the "11th Month." Only so many more photos to go!!

day 304. [fall 2011]

As I noted a few posts ago, I'm now officially a Psychology/Pre-Dental Major versus the Biology/Pre-Dental Major that I declared nearly two years ago when I applied to the University of Portland. It's crazy to think that next semester will be my 5th Semester in College.

Fall 2011, here I come!

day 303. [ewc]

Those Encounter With Christ kids came back today from an amazing weekend. I cannot stress enough that everyone should apply to go on Encounter. It doesn't matter whether you believe in  God or not, it's just an awesome retreat where you become friends with people you never would have been able to meet. It's a retreat that makes you feel so much better. Loved it.

day 302. [potluck]

Had good food with good people after a good Vigil Mass and before a good worship session. Yeah, it was good ;)

day 301. [baseball]

So I watched a UP Baseball Game today. My first UP Baseball game ... ever. In fact, I don't even think I watched any baseball games for the Wildcats when I was in high school. Now that I'm out of high school I still don't plan on watching any of them, haha.

Unfortunately, some of the other photos from today didn't turn out. I'll be honest with you the real highlight of my day was getting to hang out with a few people from FISH. We definitely built community and bonded as friends and family. It was truly a moment of the day in which I said to the group, "Look, we didn't even have to go out to have fun."

Evenings like tonight will definitely be the memories that definitely made college what it was. Love my friends. Love God.

For the mean time though, enjoy this baseball picture of a former Villan #30 (Chris Johnson)

day 300. [mr. corrado]

Mr. Corrado was this evening. It was ... interesting. If you were there you totally know what I'm talking about >.<

day 299. [spring]

It's that time of the year on the University of Portland campus that always gets me excited! You know ... the time when the cherry blossoms start blooming. It's almost as if life on campus comes back from its dormant state that winter had left on it. Oh man! Almost done with Sophomore year O_o

day 298. [spirit]

Danielle Castro is a senior business major who made these shirts to help donate money to Japan Reliefs. They're only 10 dollars. If you're interested in getting one definitely email Danielle at

Take my word, it's so worth the 10 dollars spent :)

day 297. [ochem lab]

So first things first, this photo was taken with my cell phone because I forgot to put my small pocket camera in my backpack … WHOOPS!? O_o

Either way, this is a picture from Organic Chemistry lab. We were dehydrating cyclohexanol to cyclohexene by the process of E1 reactions. I know, this is all going over your head, so if that’s the case check out this picture to understand what the reaction looked it, haha. Either way, it's probably STILL going over your head :)

day 296. [daily grind]

Spring Break is over and I had fun hanging out with a few friends this evening, but the thought that kept creeping in the back of my head was the thought of getting back to the "daily grind" of things. Only 7 more weeks until I'm back in Oak Harbor, WA!!

Watch out world, Rick is going to finish this semester by going big because by going big he can go home :)

[that was really bad ...]

day 295. [ian]

I hung out with my buddy Ian Hilger today. I love this guy. He's definitely one of those friends that when I talk, see, hang out with him I can't help but think, "You're one of the friends that I is going to help me get through the crazy life called college."

If you guys don't know Ian, get to know him, he's an awesome guy that has a heart for people. Seriously, he has a heart for people and that's one of the reasons why I love this guy :)

day 294. [friday]

Dear Rebecca Black,

Thank you for being the punchline to EVERY single joke made today on campus. Seriously, I don't think I've ever been so excited for a Friday to occur. Thank you so much for making my day that much better!

"Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday. Today it is Fri-eee-day, Fri-eee-day."

day 293. [wonton soup]

Caitlin and I went to Thai Ginger today for dinner. SO GOOD. I also bought two new movies, Easy A and Love & Other Drugs. Awww yeah ;)

day 292. [caitlin]

Caitlin came back today from Washington DC! Stephanie, Caitlin, and I all chilled for a bit so that they could readjust their sleep schedules, ha.

day 291. [good morning]

Ever wonder what I look like in the morning before I take my shower, brush my teeth, and get myself ready for school? Well, here's what I look like.

Today was a good day. Hung out with Mara and we just chatted it up and caught up on what's going on in our lives. Totally worth it. It was the best!

day 290. [lacrosse]

Went to watch the Pilots play some lacrosse today. Let me tell you a few things about my experience with lacrosse:
  • I know people who play it
That was my experience with lacrosse before today, haha. After today though I can honestly say that I watched it and took pictures of it. Check out my flickr for some shots from today. Also, there are some Pilot Volleyball and Pilot Cross Country pictures that were long overdue and needed to be uploaded. So I figured I'd throw those up too. One last thing, I watched the lacrosse game today with Kyle, so check out his "model" shot on there, haha.

day 289. [peter pan]

I watched Peter Pan with Kyle and Lindsey. Haven't seen that movie in a long time. In fact last night I learned something about Peter Pan ... there's a second one, haha.

By the way, if you remember the photo of my parfait from TCBY that was made my Lindsey ... this is what she looks like! She's also the one who got me the sour gummy worms from her work!

day 288. [luau]

I went to Concordia's 2nd Annual Luau this year. Last year they had it in a much smaller venue. This year they went BIG and had it in their gym. It was a blast to get to watch it. It was also fun to see people from last year who were in the Luau!

To see just a few of the photos from tonight, click on this link.

day 287. [katie]

How did I start off my Spring Break 2011? I spent it by hanging out with the wonderful Katie Warmack! Hung out in Corrado :)

It was totally worth it!

day 286. [long day]

It was SUCH a long day. It seriously went on forever and it really needed to end. I did look at Dental Schools though. That was kind of scary to start looking at. I also looked at the classes for Fall 2011. That was scary too.

day 285. [psych]

Spent all of today studying for my Psychology Exam that I have tomorrow. I'm determined to do REALLY well on this exam. Gotta get that A :)

day 284. [second-place]

My team took 2nd Place this evening for Intramural Indoor Volleyball. This is the shirt that my team won last year. Would have been nice to add the 2010-2011 shirt to this one :(

day 283. [taped]

I hurt my foot at practice, so for my game I had to tape my foot so that it wouldn't bug me throughout the time of the game. Thanks to Kyle for the tape, by the way.

If you're wondering, the tape did work in reducing the pain in my foot.

day 282. [third year]

Today was Housing Selection Day. Let me tell you something, Villa cannot get rid of me easily. I'm going to be living in Villa for my JUNIOR year of college.
Now, let's look at a few things first ...
  • I'm going to be a Junior ...
  • I'm going to be a Psychology Major ...

day 281. [mistakes]

Don't expect me to be perfect because the sad truth is ... I'm the farthest thing from being perfect. Being human entails that I'm going to make mistakes. But being human also gives me the choice as to learn from my mistake or continue making the same mistake over and over again.

day 280. [crash]

I haven't watched the movie Crash since my Junior year of high school. I watched it with Kyle tonight though. Good movie, but I think I can wait another three years before I decided to watch it again, haha.

day 279. [tagalongs]

Fr. Charlie's niece is a Girl Scout. That means she gets a ton of orders for her cookies from Villa Maria!! I finally had enough cash to pick up my Tagalongs that I ordered :)


day 278. [happy birthday]

It's Kyle's birthday today!! He's officially 21 :)

Kyle, if you end up reading this, I wish you another Happy Birthday and again I hope that your day is just awesome and wonderful because you really do deserve to have an awesome day ... despite the exam tomorrow ;)

day 277. [birthday card]

So, tomorrow (March 2nd, 2011) is Kyle's (Cochran) 21st Birthday. In the spirit of his birthday I decided to make him a birthday card.

Fact: I managed to study today, but I really enjoyed making his birthday card, haha.