day 136. [kyle]

If I wanted to come up with a creative title for this post, it would actually put an understatement to the day. So, it's as simple as it gets. The title for today is simply, Kyle.

I'm pretty sure I've hung out with him for the past few days, and for the past few hours today. I decided to tag along with him while he got his new soccer cleats. He definitely found  a good pair for himself. They also smell really good [seeing as they're new]. Trust me though, a week from today I'm not going to ask him if I can smell them.

Speaking of hanging out, I can say that as I type this I'm on his couch, he's in his bed and we're both watching Pocahontas. WIN!

PS. Kyle, if you want this photo, but in better quaility ... check your email ;)

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