day 175. [night in]

Tonight was one of those Friday's where you just felt like staying in. The staying in was also accompanied by plans that fell through the roof. Nonetheless I made use of staying in tonight.

I did my laundry. The whites that is. I'll end up doing the colors tomorrow :)

I think the best part though was getting to hangout with Kyle tonight. We watched a few movies, which I can say that I stayed awake for all of them. Yeah, that's right! I watched a two movies from beginning to end without falling asleep. That was due to the fact that I took a nap for a good half hour while in his room.

If you read this Kyle, the nap was much needed. I know you'll agree because you needed the nap as well ;)

Other than that though we played a few card games. I forget how competitive I can get with even just card games ... whoops.

To close the night off, Kyle taught me this new game called "10,000." It's a dice game. I won. Talk about beginner's luck :)

So yeah, that was my Friday. Not too shabby if I say so myself.

PS. Because I didn't feel like piecing together a few photos, you can take a look at some of the other photos by clicking on this here link. Chyeah.

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