day 181. [thanks]

Today is the half-way mark of my Project 365. I've officially done 6 months worth of photos. What a better day to have my half way mark land on because the truth is ... I'm so thankful for each and every one of you who look at this blog or found yourselves stumbling on it every now and then.
I really mean it too. I say that because when I started this Project 365 the thought of taking photos for a whole year was kind of out there for me. Yeah I liked photography, but the thought of it everyday was going to be new to me.

The other thing is, I've let you, as a reader/follower, into my life. Not that I'm not open or I've got some deep dark secrets to hide, but I've honestly just allowed you to see into my life for the next year. That brings me to the other thing I wanted to say. I follow different Project 365's and seeing how different they are is so cool.

Some people do theirs to honestly just show people how awesome they are at photography. I decided to take a different route and be as personal as I can be through my photos so you can get the sense of who I am? Who my friends are? What my life is like? All of that stuff.

Since I've said my "thank you" to my readers/followers, I just want to say a few thank you's to some other groups/people.
Friends from Oak Harbor: I love all of you guys. Whether we talk or not now, I love you guys. I love the fact that I can go home during a break or just come home in general knowing that there are people there who are ready to catch-up and have some fun!

Friends I graduated with: Some of us have gone our own ways, but despite college and finally living our own lives I'm thankful that we still make time for each other to catch up with the little time we may have. It's always just fun catching up with some of you guys because I really do miss spending time with you. On the other hand, it's exciting to know that we are finally having the lives we wanted to have.

Friends from University of Portland: To all of you guys, I'll pick some out in just a bit, I'm thankful for getting to see you all the time at school. I don't care what dorm we live in, or what our major is, I just love seeing you guys where ever I walk to on campus. Keep being awesome ;)

Now to pick on some special people ;)

Sean Welch: As much as I could say, "You don't understand how thankful I am for you" you'll still understand how thankful I am. It's been awesome really getting to know you since the end of our junior year. God has definitely taken our friendship on a crazy ride, but I'm glad I was on this crazy ride with you. I always look forward to our catch ups when I'm home for breaks. Love ya Sean!

Jordan Kingma: We've had an interesting relationship as well, but I'm glad to say that we're past all of that now. We definitely have not let college get in the way of our friendship that we started in high school. Just like Sean, it's always so much fun getting to catch up with you during breaks. Breakfast at Starbucks is always a must. It's kind of the staple of our friendship. Thank you so much for just being there during those rough times in high school.

Calley Yeadon: Our friendship is young, but I don't mind one bit. We're such trouble together, but it's alright because I've learned that sometimes getting in trouble is the way to learn things. Might not be the ideal setting, but it works ;). Love you best fran!

Sarah Boomer: Yeah, that's right, if you're reading this I find you as someone who I find special. We are so alike, and yet we are so different. I'm glad that we have some differences, otherwise this friendship would be pretty predictable and stale. I know I can count on you to be the friend who has something wise to say ... all the time. It just comes natural for you to have something wise to say. I love it. I appreciate it. I'm glad we're besties!

Kyle Cochran: Yeah, that's right also, I'm totally typing out a thank you to you. You're a blessing. I shouldn't have met you this year. You shouldn't have met me this year, but we both know God does some pretty funny things. This might be one of the funny things he does that I'm laughing with, ha. I'm more than glad to have met you. You as a person have honestly made me realize that I'm so much stronger than I think I am. You've made me realize that I'm a fighter, and that my ultimate goal is to win. I'm not holding onto that rope anymore. I'm starting to let go. Thanks so much for all the support this past semester. You're totes awesome. Awww yeah! ;). It's definitely been REAL good.

How can I forget my family?

Family: We can be so dysfunctional sometimes. Admit it, we can be. Despite that though we manage to make it out alive. I know I wouldn't be here with out your continual support over the years. I've made some pretty dumb mistakes. But you never held it against me. You allowed me to learn from them. It sucked, but I think I'd rather learn from my mistakes than get in all the trouble that some of my friends got in. I could go on and on saying how thankful I am for you guys, but I'm pretty sure you get it and know what I mean :)
I hope all of you have had an amazing Thanksgiving! I know I did. Which brings me to one last person. I just want to say thanks to Ben Walker for taking me in this year to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. It's been fun. It was real good. I mean ... REALLY good. Awww yeah ;)

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