day 013. [airplanes]

cough drops + sierra mist + hot soup = sore throat and bed ridden ...

I hate getting sick, let alone over the summer. I woke up early this morning to study for my history exam - I didn't go to BibTrad this morning just because I barely had the energy to even want to get out of bed. Although, I did end up going to history, for the last half hour seeing as I had an exam that I needed to take. By the way, I got a 98/100 on my exam from last week. HECK YES!!

Anyways, when I got back to my dorm room I decided to just lay down and listen to my iPod. Did I mention, I barely spoke a word all day, and as I type right now I'm speaking in my head, ahaha. It just hurts to talk. For the hour and a half that I was in my bed though I was listening to ONE song ... Airplanes. Give it a listen, it's a really good song! I can at least attest for myself that it isn't Ke$ha, who for some reason I've had a really bad addiction to, ha.

Melanie and I ended up going off campus really quick so that I could get some ink for my printer (black ink, when I run out of all the other colors, I can still print ... not when it comes to black though ...)

As for now, I'm watching UP. Probably going to head to bed early seeing as I should rest as much as I can :)


  1. AIRPLANES!!! Thanks a BUNCH for passing this song along to me last night. So addicted to just the B.o.B. feat Haley Williams version. Been listening ALL DAY, not even kidding. I may just have to purchase this on Amazon... P.S. Get well soon!

  2. Sooo...I don't know if you realized that you took a picture of your iPod twice. Bahahaha but I don't think that matters because as I stated before you do have some repeat subjects in here, which is totally fine because it's your blog and you can do what you want...PLUS those people/places/things were probably of major significance when you were taking that picture whatever time of year it was...yup. :)
