Anyways, I went to class today, well, not BibTrad - didn't have enough energy to go to BibTrad today, but tomorrow I will be there. As for History, went there (kind of like last Thursday) and was there for about 30-45 minutes before Dr. Els canceled the last half of class. Tomorrow, we have no class for history, haha.
Since I got out early I decided to read for history and I definitely should have worked a little bit on my BibTrad paper, but that's alright - I've got tomorrow. Afterwards I just decided to make some friendship bracelets, more that is. I'm quite crafty if I think so! I found this cool website where there's other patterns and I think I'm going to try some of the more advanced patterns over the summer.
In fact, after Melanie and I came back from Sushi Land I decided to try/practice one of the peace sign patterns. I actually did it! Took be about two hours though ... this will be one long summer, haha.
Night guys :)
PS. Happy Birthday to Kevin McHale (Artie Abrams from Glee)!!
[I know I only get to post ONE picture, but the thing is, I didn't take this picture, haha]

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