The reason that this post is late is that last night I watched a midnight showing of TOY STORY 3 ... in 3D!!
Let me tell you guys, it was well worth it! Totally made my day/night/week. The group of people I went to watch it with, well ... we ALMOST didn't make it into the movie, but we did. I seriously felt like I was 5 again when I watched the movie. But the funny thing is when I did watch Toy Story , which I saw in theaters, it came out in 1994 around Thanksgiving, meaning I was just about to turn 4. So ... I don't know how I felt like I was 5 again, ha. But seriously though, 16 years between the first and third one and it was worth the wait!
I loved the movie so much that I'm going to watch it again on Monday with Melanie and Keenan.
As for what happened prior to watching Toy Story 3. I finally turned in my BibTrad paper on my passage Philippians 2:1-11; I took a history exam [like usual of Thursdays]; Melanie, Keenan, Tynishia, and I went to Sushi Land for dinner after playing some Wii Sports; Melanie, Tynishia, and I bought some ice cream to eat during the scary movie we were going to watch before I left for the movies.
That was Thursday, it was quite the day, but let me tell you [because I know in advance now] Thursday can't even compare to Friday!
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