day ___ [after math]

I thought I'd let all of you know that I'm still taking photos and that photography is still a big part of my life, just I've taken somewhat of a break.

I haven't been taking photos everyday, like I did this last year, but when I get the chance I'll snap a photo. That said, my camera has yet to leave my side.

What else!? Oh yeah, I'm starting to do film work again, but that's been going really slow and I have to be patient when it comes to finishing off a roll of film.

To keep up to date with my photos check out my flickr and my new photoblog on tumblr.

Thank you so much for allowing me to open up a part of my life to you this last year. You guys who have come in throughout the year and those of you coming in now have made a difference in how I take a photo. Thank you!

- Rick Andrew Baleros ;)

day 365. [finale]


I just want to say a thank you to everyone who has read my blog. Be it from Day 001 to maybe just a few weeks ago - Thank you! That being said, I definitely want to make this blog a good one, so bear with the length


I did not expect that a year ago I'd be doing something so bold in terms of being a photographer. The idea of taking photos every single day never crossed my mind until a friend, Sam Riofta, brought up the idea to me. I also never expected my photos to become what they have. I was always told I was a good photographer and to be honest with you, I was more than content with that. After this year though I've come to see that my composition for photos, my eye for what is not always seen, and my creative side have definitely jumped leaps and bounds since I started. Knowing that has led to be one of the best feelings I've ever had in being a photographer.

Doing Project 365 wasn't always easy. In fact, it was never easy. I give a lot of props to the people who have done this. I give props to my very own friends (Pam Dupa and Steven Welch) who are doing a Project 365 of their own. It's tough, and the way I did mine made it even tougher. You see, I let you guys see into my life through a very, and I mean very, small window. It's crazy to think that you got to experience my joys. You got to experience my sorrow. You got to experience the days when I absolutely felt nothing. You got to experience the life of a growing young adult. Essentially, you saw me grow as a photographer, as a Christian, and as a student. I wouldn't have changed my Project 365 at all because I'm glad you saw what little you did see.

Once again, thank you for being part of an awesome journey this last year. Yeah, journey. That's what it became. It went from a small photography project to a photography journey. I definitely plan on doing another one (keep your eyes out for that one!), but not any time soon. I'll most likely still be taking photos and have my camera around my neck, but just know that it probably won't be every day. I mean as a college student on summer break, I need some kind of rest, right? ;)

Getting away from the sentimental side of things, have you been wanting a physical copy of any of the photos? Well, it's your lucky day! Just go to this link and look through which ones you want. I'll most likely be selling them in the sizes of 4 by 6, 8 by 12, 20 by 30, and any size you request. Send me an email letting me know that you're interested ( and I'll let you know how much each cost.

Disclaimer: I will say no to some of the purchases just because I might not feel comfortable selling that photo.


With that, here is the final photo! I probably put minimal thought into the photo (secret out of the bag), but it definitely captured what I wanted it to. You know? One photo that was able to catch a years worth of memories. I hope you enjoy the photo and its simplicity as much as I do.


One last thing! Don't think you're getting away without knowing what my favorite photos from each "month" were! I say month in quotes because I did not start my Project 365 on the beginning of any month, rather I started it right at the end of one of the months (May 29, 2010). With that, I divided the photos up by however many months I was into the project.  Let's get to those favorite photos!!

Day 001. [flat tire]
Obviously the reason why this shot is my favorite is the same reason that you probably think it is my favorite shot. It is after all the very first photo of my Project 365. Also, it was taken in a small cafe near my campus that no longer exists.

Day 033. [photoshoot]
If you knew me my senior year, you know that was the first year I ever started to do any portrait work of any kind. So don't be fooled by my portrait work! I'm still learning a lot about portrait work, as you read. The reason this is my favorite is because from my very first portrait shot to this one is about a years worth of photography growth. Best part is that the first portrait I ever took and this one are of the same guy! Thanks Anthony!

Day 060. [praise]
Since joining Living Word not just as a member, but a leader, my Summer's have been filled with Church Camp. I absolutely love camp, which is why I chose this shot. One, it was done in very little light, which was a first for me. Also, just thinking about the memories of Kid's Camp just remind me of the life that I have been called to live.

Day 105. [cross country]
To be honest with you, I have never been to a Cross Country Meet. Not once did I ever go in Middle School. Not once did I ever go in High School. After watching our Men's Cross Country team dominate their home invitational I can say that I have been to one now. I guess that's the reason why this shot is one of my favorites. Also, my buddy Scott is the main subject in the photo. Yeah.

Day 136. [kyle]
I started to hang out with one of the RAs in Villa, Kyle Cochran, a lot during my Fall Semester of my Sophomore year. If you knew what I was dealing with that semester you'd know that I needed more than just someone to be there, I needed a friend. That's what Kyle was. This photo was taken after one of our many adventures had down town. Thank you for every thing, Kyle. You're awesome :)

Day 175. [night in]
One thing that changed from my Freshman year to Sophomore year was that I didn't go out most weekends. In fact, I stayed in most nights. It was awesome because staying on campus for the weekend nights gave me the opportunity to really grow in my relationships with people that I had this year. This was one of many nights stayed in. So happen to be with Kyle, haha. I told you, I hung out with him a lot.

Day 182. [united generation]
During Thanksgiving Break I went home with Ben Walker (a fellow Villan, fellow friend, and fellow brother). He never mentioned to me what church he went to, but he did mention that we would be going to his church for Youth Group. When I found out that we were going to Puyallup Foursquare, my heart started racing knowing that during my senior year of high school at Sold Out was when God told me to choose the University of Portland. God said, "It'll make sense my son." It has made sense. I'm still learning new things as to why God told me to choose the University of Portland. Felt good to be back at the place knowing that I was on break from that school! ;)

Day 240. [o-chem]
Second semester brought along that oh-so dreaded class known as Organic Chemistry. To be honest with you, Organic Chemistry will always be the death of me, but I have some different stories of Organic Chemistry compared to the ones you might have heard from other people. My story includes me actually putting the time in effort to want to do well. Also, I liked Organic Chemistry. Depending on how CHM326 goes, I might take Advanced Organic Chemistry. Thanks a lot Diane!

Day 246. [hipster]
I don't really remember what prompted this impromtu photo shoot, but it was one well worth it. It involved getting Kyle to look as hipster as possible. If you know Kyle, he can't grow facial hair, so that mustache of his is definitely drawn on with a dry erase marker.

Day 299. [spring]
At the University of Portland the Fall Season is absolutely gorgeous in that we get lucky enough to have Summer spill over for a few extra months. Winter is a nasty season here at the University of Portland. Not only does it seem like the plants on campus lack life, but so do the students, haha. When Spring rolls around though, the campus seems to come back to life. Not just that though, the cherry blossoms, which make our campus look AMAZING, bloom from the trees that line the academic quad. Oh man, SO BEAUTIFUL!!

Day 329. [night adventure]
You know how I said that staying in on the weekends usually meant that I was able to grow in my relationships with people. Well, this last Easter Weekend I was able to do just that. I went to the park with my friends Ian, Vivien, Evan, Mara, and Y. Let me tell you, as sophomores getting ready to finish up our second year and having a crisis realizing that we're half way done, that night was one of the best nights ever. It is definitely one of those nights that will be a defining factor to my sophomore year of college. Thanks so much for that night guys! :)

Day 353. [TOMS]
I believe in good causes - no matter the price. Literally. I've probably spent over a total of $100 on just three pairs of shoes (more like six!), but I'm more than alright with that because I know somewhere out there in a third world country there are three kids who have a pair of shoes. Not only are these shoes for a good cause, but they really are comfortable. I don't recommend them for rainy weather, but other than that I definitely would wear them all the time. That's after a good washing, haha. You guys with TOMS know what I'm talking about ;)


I challenged myself for a year taking photos of my life. You don't have to document your life necessarily, but I definitely am putting the challenge of Project 365 on YOU. Get out there and do it! I did it! So can you! Can't take a picture? Do some videos! Vlog? Blog?

Do your devotions for a whole year!

Now for the final words, which will come from one of my favorite photographers - Patrick Demarchelier.
"Take pictures all the time. Don't worry if you take a bad photograph; you learn more by taking a bad picture than a good one. If you don't like it, study it and figure out why you don't like it. You'll learn from your mistake." - Patrick Demarchelier

day 364. [videos]

Steven and I went to Kindergarten today. My second time, his first. Afterward, we went to our church to help out with the Rummage Sale. Awww yeah! Helping send a kid to camp this year. Then, we got back to my house where I looked at some of his photos, he's definitely getting a lot better! Proud of that kid. Along with that though, you'll see that we filmed some videos.

Keep an eye out for tomorrow's post to view this video ;)

You guys are awesome :D

day 363. [band]

I went to the Spring Band Concert. It's the last real concert before Band Festival, which I should mention is SO MUCH FUN!!

It was so good to hear a good band play in a GREAT auditorium. I'm so proud of all of those guys. YOU GUYS PLAYED SO GREAT!!

day 362. [devotions]

Before meeting up with Keriann, the third senior that I'll be doing photos of, I went to Starbucks an hour early and just did my devos for the day. I'm reading through Jeremiah for the first time in awhile. This verse definitely stuck out to me today:
"They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you." - Jeremiah 1:19

day 361. [whidbey coffee]

I met up with one of the Seniors that I’m going to be doing senior photos for. Brittany has this rawness to her that I’m going to be excited to shoot this summer. We met at Whidbey Coffee, which marks the second time that I’ve been there this summer. I’m excited though to get to work with the seniors that I’ll be working with!

day 360. [fashion]

My church, Living Word, has an annual Rummage Sale that let's students cut down on the price of camp. I plan on helping out this whole week, not so I can cut down on my price for camp, but so that I can help someone else go to camp. That's primarily because I don't think I'll be going to camp for high school this year. If I do, I know I'd have to be a leader.

One of the best things about helping out with Rummage Sale, especially during the sorting, is seeing some of the clothes that come in, ha.

day 359. [courage]

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
- Matthew 14:22-33
That was shared this morning at church. Simply put, it's saying that we need to just go. We need to go and do what we're called to do: serve. To serve though means to live "outside the boat" and to feel "uncomfortable."

I'll share something that has been on my heart. Lately I've been feeling called to live "outside the boat" and to feel "uncomfortable." I'm scared. I'm scared to wits ends actually because for the first time I don't know what to expect. But you know what? I need to be courageous and know that God is there. I can't lose because I've already won :)

day 358. [hungry]

First of all, if you didn't notice the beers, those are my brother's. If you did notice the beers, those are my brother's. I kind of forgot they were in there when I took the picture, haha. So yesterday I watched all three of the High School Musical movies on Disney, ha. I tweeted throughout the whole thing, which is why I'm sorry for the people who follow me on twitter. You didn't have to read them all!

Anyways, the whole point of this picture is the fact that I was extremely hungry yesterday. With that, this is literally what I looked at throughout the day, haha.

day 357. [kindergarten]

I went back to kindergarten today. What I mean is I ended up helping out in a kindergarten class. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! I got to paint! I got to re-learn the sounds that some letters make! I got to take a reading test! I got to read out loud! Best part was that I got to play with play-doh (and smell it too)!!

To put it into perspective, I was in kindergarten, obviously 15 years ago, but that was in 1996-1997!!

There are some other pictures on my flickr. So check that out! Although you can go to my flickr to see what I looked like on my first day of kindergarten, I'll save you that trouble and you can see here what I looked like:

Rick's 1st Day of Kindergarten! REPRESENT PM!!

Oh yeah, hung out with my good buddy Anthony Snyder today! :)

day 356. [photo walk]

Went for a walk today. Well, more like this evening, if you want to be exact. It was needed. It was worth it. I also turned it into a photo walk for digital and film :)

day 355. [film]

I'm going back to my roots. Well not my roots, but the roots of digital photography. That's right, I'm going old school and kickin' it with some film work.

Fun fact for you holga users out there: You can use 35 mm film with your holga. That my friends is exactly what I'm doing!

day 354. [tradition]

It's become tradition, since sometime in high school, that Jordan and I go out to breakfast with each other. We've managed to still be the best of friends, probably even better friends now compared to when we were in high school. I'll admit that I always have something to look forward to when I come home for breaks and it's always nice :)

day 353. [TOMS]

A few days ago I ordered a pair of TOMS. They came in today!! WOOT-WOOT!! I've got three pairs now :)

Aside from that though, I messed around with my Holga camera (finally)! It was kind of exciting messing around with film. I went around town and found myself ending the day of photos at West Beach, which is where I took some photos of some big waves.

Check out my flickr to see some of the shots from West Beach, to see some of the other shots of my TOMS shoes, and a video that was made just for YOU! (points at your face!)

day 352. [2013]

I went to Youth Group for the first time since I was home for Winter Break! :)

The only way I can describe this photo is that these are some of my favorite Sophomores and that all four of us are part of the Class of 2013! ;). They're the Class of 2013 for OHHS while I'm the Class of 2013 for UP. WIN!

day 351. [stacked]

I'm almost done. In fact, 14 more days until I'm done. I played volleyball today with a few people and then afterwards went out to lunch with Steven. We then picked up Months 007 to Months 011 worth of photos. So what you're looking at now though is 334 days worth of photos!!

day 350. [second dinner]

I had a second dinner this evening with my friend Sharmaine. We caught up on a semester's worth of life, haha. It's unfortunate that the high school peeps are still in school, ha. I mean, I don't have to do homework on Sunday's ;)

day 349. [districts]

My first college baseball game was this year, but that said, my first high school baseball game was this year too. In fact, today. My first high school baseball game was today. As I found out though, Oak Harbor High School Baseball was in Districts! From what I know, I don’t think we ever got that far while I was in high school.

Fact: A lot of sports didn’t get that far while I was in high school … ha.

day 348. [rain]

My high school might have changed, but one thing is for sure when it comes to living in the Northwest. It rains. It rains a lot, ha. I enjoy it though :)

day 347. [changes]

I went to visit my high school. Changes. It wasn’t the same high school that I graduated from. Changes. In fact, thinking about it now, come June 15th, 2011, I’ll have graduated two years ago. Changes.

day 346. [home sweet home]

I'm home. I'm home for the summer. Home sweet home. It never felt so nice to be back in Oak Harbor. Definitely missing my Portland people though :)

day 345. [class of 2011]

Dear Class of 2011,
You guys did it! I'm really glad that I got to know a handful of you throughout my first two years here at the University of Portland. Life will definitely be different on this bluff next year without some of you, but I can only wish you guys the best for where you go next year. Do me a favor, and others as well, stop by and make some visits to the campus when you can! :)

To the seniors that I know I just want to say thanks for being so awesome to me. Also, thanks for being a friend :D

PS. To see some pictures from Graduation (mainly of the people I know shaking hands with Fr. Bill) check out this link.

day 344. [rummage]

Hung out with a few of my friends in Schoenfeldt & Fields ... We went through the Good Will bins looking for clothes and such, haha.

"You know that as a college student you've reached the ultimate low when you're doing this" - Evan Castro

day 343. [packed]

A few days ago I was packing. A few days later I'm now fully packed. In a few more days I'll have moved out of Villa for yet another year. In a few more days I'll be home in Oak Harbor for summer. Oak Harbor isn't ready for me ;)

day 342. [junior]

I had my last final today. Today was the last day of finals. School is over. I'm a junior. Summer.

day 341. [bend friends]

Had my first final today. Yeah I said first. To quote Kyle Cochran, who I went out to lunch with today, "I had my last final before you had your first final."

As good as I felt afterwards from taking the exam, one thing is for sure - I have given up on gauging how I feel on how I might have done.

Anyways, like I said I had lunch with Kyle today. Went to East Side Deli which resides in the old Little Red Bike Cafe. Talk about nostalgia!

Most importantly though I went out to dinner with Jordan and Jordan! It was super fun. Full of laughter. Just a good time with them "Bend Friends" haha.


day 340. [ozonolysis]

Reactions. Reactions. Reactions.


One of the many reactions I had to know for the final as well as one of the reactions I should have known for the 4th Exam I took in Organic Chemistry.

Reactions. Reactions. Reactions.

day 339. [packing]

To reward myself for studying today and finishing up one of my essays, I took a study break that included packing my room! It's definitely scary to see things go back in their boxes. blah.

day 338. [vanquet]

It's that time of the year. Yeah, that's right ... VILLA VANQUET!! We close out the year the right way. With food. With awards. With more food. With a slide show. Did I mention food? Yeah. Food.

I can't wait for Villa Maria 2011-2012!! 3RD YEAR!!

day 337. [juniors]

I was invited, even though I was going to go either way, to the Volleyball game yesterday. Our girls beat SPU! That's what I'm talking about. It was weird though in that watching the game yesterday it finally hit me that I'm going to be a junior. In fact, the two girls in the photo (Jessica & Kate) are both my year. We are juniors.

Check out other photos from yesterday afternoon here: Flickr.

day 336. [quadstock]

With the end of the year come the ending events. Tonight Fields/Schoenfeldt put on a recreation of Woodstock aka Quadstock. I enjoyed it :)

day 334. [awkward lunch]

I had a good lunch with good people. Good friends. Awkward friends. It was a quiet lunch. It was interesting. Lunch.

day 333. [rotc]

I hope the ladies can understand that this photo was just too funny. I would have picked a group shot, but come on, this shot was funny.

Thank you to Sarah for allowing me the opportunity to take the Air Force ROTC photo for the Class of 2013. These are some of our future leaders in air guys ...

day 332. [homework sesh]

This evening Vivien, Evan, and I had a "homework session." Quotes around homework session because it ended up becoming a picture party at one point with a nap somewhere in there. Can't forget the falsetto duet between Evan and me, haha.

Oh dead week, how you kill all of the college students around the world. Just once, can you be forgiving to the college students around the world? Just once!? O_O

day 331. [krazy kritter]

Last real day of Easter Break and I had dinner with Ian, like I did the other days :)

There's not much else to say other than the fact that The Commons has these drinks called "Krazy Kritters" and they are chalk full of Vitamins ... for kids! They were delicious!

day 330. [trying]

It was too sunny to really try to do a bunch of my homework. I did get some done though! The most important thing right now is that I tried my best to get my work done ... :D

day 329. [night adventure]

I'm a sophomore. Sophomore in College, NOT High School.
I'm 20 years old. No longer a teenager.
Time has gone by so fast. Life has changed a lot this last year.

As this school year comes to an end though, I can't help but thank everyone who has made this year so special. I had a really rough freshman year where I lived a life that was not of me. I made some friends last year that I shouldn't have been friends with. I did a lot of things that cost me my faith and who I was. That was different this year though because the people that have walked into my life are some of the most solid people I have ever met. :)

Tonight though, as the University of Portland is on Easter Break, a few of those good friends and I went for a walk to a park where we found ourselves acting like we were five or something. It was definitely worth it!