day 010. [urban decay]

After not being able to finish all of my BibTrad paper for my rough draft, I turned it in anyways. Something is better than nothing right? Well, after BibTrad I decided not to go to history. Instead though I caught up on some reading for history class. So it's like I went to class, but didn't. Make sense? O_o

After reading and getting tired of reading I decided to work on a different blog. Check it out because it's quite interesting.

Not wanting to continue anymore homework or doing research for BibTrad I decided to truck on back to Corrado to get my camera (Sony a350) to do some photos. Why you ask? Well, it got all sunny from the time I was in the library to the time I left. I also wanted to give the new camera a spin and check out the works of the thing.

I ended up taking a walk behind the school near the railroad tracks. I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of signs that say "no trespassing" but I'm also pretty sure that there's not one University of Portland student who hasn't trespassed back there. On my way down there I ran into my buddy Jeff Makjavich who had just got done running. He and I chatted for a bit. I love Jeff! He's so awesome, bahaha.

As I continued to walk in the directions of the rail road I ended up running, well more like walking because they were running, into cross country runners. I have the best of luck with them ...

One of the reasons why I took this walk in the direction I did was because of the urban decay that was on the way down there. I really wish I could post up more of the photos, in fact I wish I could post up all the photos from today because one photo just doesn't cut it. As I continued walking something stopped me and forced me to turn around ... a bunch of dead possums. By a bunch I mean at least four. It was disgusting and it definitely smelled horrible. So I turned around and trucked back to campus.

On my way back I hadn't noticed the back of the signs from when I was walking down towards the tracks. Obviously having the camera and wanting to give it a spin, I decided to take some photos of the graffiti on the back of the sign. That's how I got today's photo, ha.

Later guys :)


  1. WHAT?! how do you skip a summer school class? what a waste of money...

  2. Strong urban feel, indeed ;). Very raw photo.

  3. @ Tarra - I texted you, haha.

    @ Matt - Thank you :)
