day 029. [jordan]

I had so many photos to choose from today that it was actually hard to really choose which one I'd use. My day isn't even over to be honest with you. Long summer days call for long summer nights!

Anyways, I had breakfast with a good buddy of mine from high school. Jordan Kingma. He and I have an interesting relationship, that has only gotten better since we've become friends. We absolutely despised of each other freshman year, but sophomore year things started to turn around. Come junior year we started to go to breakfast with each other. It was something he did with his dad, so he decided to do breakfast with me. Senior year we managed to keep it going. Sadly, we've gone to breakfast twice this past year, but I guess that's what happens when both of us have college lives. It's alright. We spent today just really catching up with each other seeing as the last time we saw each other was literally 6 months ago. It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to doing breakfast with him with the two months we have left before we go back to college!

Tradition, he always picks me up, which means he always drops me off back home. So after he dropped me off back home I finished up on a project that needed to get done now so I could ship it off to someone. In fact, there's another portion of it that I need to get done, but that won't take too long. I just cleaned, unpacked from not only the summer session but I ended up going through some stuff from fall and spring, and then I just did other little crafts whilst watching the World Cup. Good job today USA!!

The best part about today though was a home cooked meal. THANKS MOM!! After dinner though I went out to get some ice cream at DQ with another good friend of mine, Pam Dupa. We were there from 7 to about the time it closed. Just catching up and talking Photography. Things will never change the way I see it, ha.

Pam had to get going and I decided to go stop by Wal*Mart to see if they had embroidery floss. Unfortunately, they do not. Fortunately enough for me though I ran into another friend, Paul Jewell. We go back to 8th grade. Paul, if you read this, I'm sorry for killing your Machoke as it was evolving into a Machamp back during sophomore year. If there's any way I can repay you [besides my first born child] let me know, haha! Good times with that kid during high school.

Now even though it seems like my night is about to end, it's only about to begin. Just waiting for a few friends to get back into town from watching Toy Story 3. Once they get back ... it's all fun and games from here until the sun rises.

First day back in Oak Harbor couldn't get any better. This summer is totally shaping up to be a good one!

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