day 026. [doodles]

What's the one thing college students don't look forward to?

- Having to buy new books, that are expensive, for the new semester?

- Having an 8:10 Organic Chemistry class?

- Worse, having a night lab that runs until almost 10 pm?

- That first test in a class?

I think there's something even worse than all of those together that most college students probably don't look forward to ... FINALS.

Granted, my finals aren't nearly as tough as they would be compared to during a regular semester, I'm still in the midst of them. This is what we call a study break from studying. Luckily, I finished all 12 pages of my BibTrad final, which was a relief to my being.

As for studying for my History final, I'm getting there, haha. As I was looking through my notes for history though I realized one thing: I have a tendency to doodle ... a lot. It's not a bad thing, if the doodles were pertaining to what's going on in class (like what I did in high school), but these doodles are purely for the sake of me being bored and not wanting to pay attention in class. Sometimes I realize that the doodles are during a time when I REALLY should be paying attention.

As for what I doodle, I have a habit of doodling robots. Now if you're reading this Tarra, I've been doodling robots since my junior year of high school, not because of a certain someones obsession for robots. That goes for you too Caitlin :P

I also draw people and sometimes clouds. I know back in high school I used to draw this one picture of a guy walking into the woods and the caption would say "where are you going?"

I'm pretty sure I would draw that picture in my agenda, especially during times when I really didn't know what route to take. You could say that some of my doodles have depth and meaning behind them while others are just purely for fun and boredom and my way to escape the ever so boring lecture. Not that all lectures are boring, just I tend to zone out.

I should get back to studying for history.

PS. Tomorrow is my last day in Portland and then it's off to Oak Harbor for me. It's going to be bittersweet, but I cannot wait to get home!

PPS. I call my recent doodle "iRobot" ... after the movie, haha. I failed to mention that it was sunny today! Thank you Dr. Els for cutting class short so I could get my daily serving of Vitamin D ;)


  1. Really? That's it? You texted me to tell me that you're mentioning me in your blog b/c you doodle robots? Wow.

    Anyway, I like the doodle. :)

  2. I wish my doodles were that epic! Haha.

    P.S. When you get back, we're having a photo session ASAP! How is it we both love photography, known each other for a long while now, yet never gotten together on this? Haha.

  3. @Tarra - Pretty much, haha. That's why I texted you :P

    Thanks for liking the doodle. I realize my best doodles are when I have tons of highlighters in my backpack, haha.

    @Matt - We will have to have a photo session soon ... as in when I'm well rested, bahaha. It shouldn't take long for that to happen though! As for the second part, I don't know how we never got together after knowing each other for almost four years now. I guess it's because I didn't publicly come out as a photographer until junior year. And well, I didn't even know you did photography until maybe half way through my senior year. It just took a little too long for us to figure things out, haha.

    As for the drawings, that's about 6 years worth of practice. There's a reason why I always make my mom get the highlighter pack with the 6 colors, it always has purple!
