day 019. [exhausted]

Right now, all I want to do is lie my head down on my pillow. Which is what I'm going to do once I finish off the night's worth of photos :)

It's been a long day, working on finishing up my BibTrad paper and studying for my history exam tomorrow. I was also filling out numerous applications for internships. As well as looking for a place to work, even though I'll only be home for two months this summer. ugh. I probably won't get anything, but I guess I could try.

Among other things, I might be going to a midnight showing of Toy Story 3 in 3D tomorrow!! I'm so excited!! I hope that I get to see Tynishia tomorrow though before she leaves for Africa. I hope you have fun Tynishia.

Friday will obviously be Friday and I'll most like start doing my final for BibTrad. Saturday is going to be a party! If you know what I mean ;)

That's about it. Sorry it's not as "hey here's what happened today." With these last few days left of classes, things are starting to get rushed. Honestly, right now, it feels like the last few weeks of 2nd semester. ahh. Later guys :D

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