day 030. [lyc]

After missing church this morning because I was up until the sun rose, literally I was up until then. I don't think I can do that often. I need to reboot [robot term!] from school and catch up on sleep while still have the time in the day to enjoy summer, haha.

Although I missed church the best part about today was getting to go to Youth Group! If you're wondering what LYC means, it stands for Legacy Youth Church. Although, when I was in the youth group just a year ago we were known as 701. We never started at 7:01, more like 7:15 or 7:30, haha.

There have been some major changes since I was in the youth group just a year ago, for instance the biggest change has been time. Junior High Youth Group used to be on Tuesday nights and High School Youth Group would be on Wednesday nights. Both are now on Sunday, starting with Junior High at 5 and High school at 7:15 [see, we never started at 7:01, haha].

Unfortunately, because of the day change, I actually never got to go to Youth Group the other times I was home on breaks. Fall break, Thanksgiving break, and I only got to go once during Winter Break. As for second semester, I wasn't even home until the end of the semester, so there went time to go to Youth Group.

But you know what, I've come to realize it has nothing to do what day Youth Group is on. God is working and moving through all of those guys in the Youth Group and that's all I could ask for. You know? That God is creating a movement in people's lives. After all, God moved me two years ago and to this day he still means to world to me. Even if I fail and let people down. If you want to know more, ask me [I'm free to share], or read this post.

Anyways, tonight was like any other night of Youth Group ... AWESOME! You could definitely feel the Holy Spirit in the room and you could just feel the presence of God. The message was great and it was one that touched home base for me. Feel free to ask me anytime why it hit home.

Oh yeah, worship was, as usual, awesome. I really enjoy a good time of worship seeing as it prepares our hearts for the message. You know what I mean? O_o

Because of tradition, the best thing, other than youth group, is our after youth group activity!! We almost ALWAYS go to Applebee's after youth group as a tradition. When we go, we go ... in BIG GROUPS!! We tend to make it difficult, but we always try to be really courteous of the workers there, we could improve on that, but you know we try ...

Awww man, I'm going to be looking forward to these Sunday nights for the two months I'm here. I love all of you guys at LYC!! Keep letting God move through you and just trust in him!! Night everyone :)

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