day 031. [sunset]

Wanna know something cool? Today marks the end of the "first month" of this project! 31 days later and I've got one month down and 11 to go!

Anyways, you know how during the summer the one thing EVERYONE wants to do is ... hang out? Well, to be honest with you, hanging out can get old and sometimes I really like to just stay home and just chill and bum around the house.

So that's what I did today, haha. Just did some chores around the house, although I hate chores. I did some more cleaning around my room and just getting rid of old things or packing stuff up so it can go in the garage. I definitely spent some good time in front of my keyboard just playing it and having tons of fun. Of course, because of my new found love for crafts, I obviously did that.

But there's only so much one can do in their house when it's summer. I found myself later wanting to go on a run. So I did, a 2 mile run. Start out small you know? haha. I'm not an XC runner, so I don't do 10 miles as a starter, bahaha. I realized though that I like running. Despite that I do sports where running isn't the main thing, I enjoy running. Something about how my body feels after I run just feels SO good!

I'm more of a late night runner though or early morning runner. Seeing as I woke up kind of late, I didn't do my run until later tonight.

I was able to do my run, but I also caught the sunset at west beach. If there's one reason that doesn't deal with my friends living here, I would come home to Oak Harbor definitely because of our sunsets! They are gorgeous, beautiful, and amazing. I sometimes suffer from Island Syndrome [hating the fact that I live on an island] but the thing is, I have yet to see a sunset anymore gorgeous than the sunsets here! Man, I love being home :)

PS. Ran my 2 miles in 14:05. Got to take photos of the sunset with my buddy Steven Welch. If you haven't noticed, I'm now tweeting. Follow me if you have one!

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