day 016. [fortune]

I was able to talk today without my throat being in pain, well there was minimal. Today though is what most would call a "Lazy Sunday"

No joke either. I just stayed in Melanie's room for the most part while she was studying watching/catching up on How I Met Your Mother. I can honestly say, other than needing to watch Season 2 since she doesn't have that one with her, I'm all caught up. I just need to watch Season 5, which is what's on right now on TV. I'll watch it for the remainder of the summer when I'm home just relaxin' and chillin'.

Once Melanie was done studying we decided to take a break and get some food. I love me some Asian food, so I don't understand why we went to Panda (cheap). From Panda though I got this really awesome fortune cookie that actually made my day.

Melanie went to Open Lab, I stayed in her room and watched the rest of Season 4 of HIMYM. Again, I'm caught up for the most part!! When she came back I was working on some friendship bracelets, completed my first one. I took a break from that though because we went to Safeway to get some eggs to make ourselves breakfast for dinner!

Afterwards we came back up and I finished the rest of the friendship bracelet while she studied.

That was about it. Now, I'm heading to bed because I, most likely, will be attending class tomorrow. After all, it's Monday and I do have class. If anything at all I'll miss out on BibTrad, nothing is really going on in the class at the moment other than the fact that I should finish up my paper which is due on Thursday. But yeah, night guys :)

PS. I'll address my homework load in the next blog, haha. Other than a slight touch-up there's no real major Photoshop edits done to the photo. That's two photos now!!

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