day 004. [giving]

If you find the fact that I had classes today exciting, well I guess you're excited, haha. Classes resumed today after the 4-day weekend. It was a nice weekend if you can't tell from my previous posts. That's not the point though, what is the point is what I did today.

Amongst having BibTrad and Modern US today, I did something that I never thought I'd do in a million ... no a BILLION years. Before I get to that though, let's do a short and quick recap of the day!

With what I'm about to tell you, I kid you not. It is true. Anyways this morning in BibTrad my professor, Dr. Butkus, managed to tell us (with a straight face) that our papers were stolen out of his unlocked truck. Again, I kid you not, our papers were really stolen from his truck. He said it might have been because he kept the papers in a case that looked like it housed a laptop. Jokes on the guy who stole our papers though, haha. I still need to email him my paper, seeing as that's what he wants us to do. I'll do that after I post :)

As for history today - dry like usual. I was expecting we'd get our exams back today seeing as we had a 4-day weekend (an extra day for my professor to grade). But alas, we didn't get them back today because of the 4-day weekend. I don't know about you, but how long does it take to grade 9 exams? I'll cut Dr. Els some slack though because he does have a life outside of teaching.

ANYWAYS! To what I did today that I never thought I'd do in a million ... no a BILLION years. I gave blood. That's it; I gave blood. I'm quite proud of myself though. That's because if you don't know me all that well ... I HATE NEEDLES. I'm AFRAID of needles. Yet, I want a tattoo and I want to go into dentistry, haha.

Needless to say, the overall process was not as bad as I thought it'd be. There was definitely a little sting in my arm when the needle went in (I was told before hand that it would happen), but other than that I was fine. I mean I'm here writing this blog now! I also didn't faint when the needle went in (that's a plus). I didn't cry nor did I hyperventilate. Again, I'm proud of myself :)

What I'm most excited about from this whole event is finding out my blood type once I get my donor card! Oh yeah ... BLOOD TYPE!! I can find out if I'm adopted or the wrong Asian baby X)

As for the rest of the afternoon/prevening (reference to Big Bang Theory) I spent most of it in the library doing some research for BibTrad and starting to read for History. Tarra wasn't kidding when she said that BibTrad requires time spent in the library. Luckily for me, I have some experience in spending time in the library. haha

For the rest of the evening I finished up some research/note-taking, homework, and watched Glee! Only one more week until the end of the first season :(

At this point I'm determined to get the full Season 1 on DVD. I'm hooked. I'm a Gleek!

I'll have to wait until the new season starts up before I get to watch any new episodes. Man, that'll seem like FOR-EV-ER!

Night guys :)

P.S. If any of you guys are doing "Project 365" let me know how it's going. I'm following a few people and it's quite interesting to see how different our projects are! I know right now it's been difficult to really know what to take pictures of or even choose a photo. Let me know how things are going

P.P.S. If any of you are planning to start a "Project 365" let me know that too! Let me know how you plan on getting the general public to see it. Are you going to journal like myself and others are? Or are you just going to upload the photos somewhere (Flickr, Picasa, or Facebook) and add a short caption describing the photo? Let me know your ideas? I'm really interested in this project/challenge and want to see what others plan to do.

Fo'realz yo .. I'm out :)


  1. Haha. That's a random prof. story if I ever heard one =P... I'm afraid of needles too! Blood draws aren't that bad... But shots of any kind? Hate them! (Even though I barely felt the last one at all o_O. Still the thought of it going in sucked! Haha.)

    P.S. 365 is AMAZING so far =)! I'm trying to politely peer pressure others into participating! =P

  2. I'm pretty sure your posts are getting longer and the picture is dropping to the end of the post...just noticing. haha

    Ah! Dr. Els does that all the time! Like he'll say he'll have the tests graded by a certain day, but then it'll be the next class period instead. But it is a fact he does have a life outside of class with his family and all. Does he talk about them frequently? Because he did in the classes that I took with him.

    Anyway, good luck with Bid Trad stuff. I was wondering how you hyperlinked me. hahaha Oh the library. ;)

  3. @Matt - It is a pretty random professor story. See what's weird is I don't mind shots one bit. I can take shots perfectly fine. Giving blood on the other hand has caused some problems since that one time I saw someone give blood during a SADD blood drive and I fainted, haha.

    @Tarra - Yeah, I realize that. I was going to address that my posts were getting longer in day 005. But you beat me to it. As for the picture dropping, I kind of wanted to see what it'd look like if I dropped it to where I actually mention what I'm talking about. You know? I'm most likely going to try and keep today's short though, haha.

  4. @Tarra - Oh yeah! Els, does talk about his family. In fact, yesterday he was talking about his 11 year old daughter. haha.

  5. You can still mention it in today's post. Some people might not read these comments and what I noticed. :)
