day 021. [bittersweet]

Today was a REALLY good day! But at the same time a day that just seemed to be a bittersweet one :(

Anyways, this morning Melanie and I decided to go Little Red Bike Cafe because we wanted to go last week but didn't have the chance because I was still sick last week. I was definitely in for a surprise when we got there.

There were so many people there and I began to think to myself, "it's like it's their last day being open ..." Right when I thought that a letter caught my eye that said June 18th, 2010 would be their last day. That was today! Melanie and I had managed to make it to Little Red on their last day. Definitely a day to remember, but a sad one at that.

The best part though, which I've been waiting to blog about was this couple Melanie and I met while sharing a table with them. After Melanie and I ordered our drinks and our food we were looking for a table to sit down at. We looked all around inside - no luck. We went outside and again, no luck. BUT this couple who was sitting at one of the picnic tables said that they'd be happy to share a table with us seeing as there's only two of them and they have such a big table to themselves. Boy were Melanie and I in for a surprise.

Obviously, we got to having small talk and what not. They managed to ask us if we were from the area. We told them we just went to school at UP ... funny thing is, they did too. Both were UP Alum from 1993 and 1994. I feel bad, I managed to not get their names, but he graduated as a History Major and she graduated as a Psychology Major. Melanie and I just talked to them about UP and how much we love it and they told us how much they loved it. It was so much fun getting to talk to this couple. In fact, they live in the house that he lived in his senior year of college. I think the best part about talking to this couple was talking about how much the campus has changed. I really do wish I snapped a photo of this couple and got their names. If I did, they definitely would have been the picture for the day, haha.

They had to get going because they were going to go pick up their little kid from school. It then dawned on me that today was Friday, ha.

Afterwards Melanie and I headed over to Lloyd Center so she could check out a Father's Day present and so that I could go buy me my TOMS shoes. I had my heart on those shoes almost all year! She got a Father's Day present and I didn't get my shoes because they were out. I wasn't ready to give up though because then Caitlin and I headed over to Clackamas Town Center where I knew there'd be TOMS shoes there because they were a much better mall. Did I mention, I bought some stuff from GAP as well at Lloyd Center.

Melanie was studying while Caitlin and I were at the mall, BUT once she was done Melanie came to pick us up because she didn't want us to take the Max back downtown after having to take it to the mall. The three of us then had dinner at P.F. Chang's. Did I mention, that was my first time eating there? haha.

It was a good day today, but bittersweet. Sorry if this post was long :)


  1. P.F. Chang's was good, huh? We'll have to hit it up again next fall.

    It was fun hanging out with your today! :) Hopefully, we'll hang out with Kurt later this week...

    AHH, Kurt's coming home! :D

  2. YAY for Little Red! I'm gonna miss it so much! It was CST's go-to place for eating out.

    P.S. CST is Colin, Sam and Tarra, not communication studies as it is usually referred to.

  3. @ Caitlin - it was a lot of fun yesterday! I can't wait to see Kurt!! I tried calling him again, no luck :(

    @ Tarra - I already miss it and it's been only one day. I seriously felt like going there today because I had a craving for some Little Red

    As for the clarification ... I think you told me once during 2nd semester that CST was Colin, Sam and Tarra.

    So yeah, no need for clarifcation, BUT thanks for it anyways :)

  4. I hate that when I don't snap a photo of a cool person I met that day! Had that happen to me several times now... Oh, and I've been wanting TOMS shoes for ages now, and go to P.F. Changs! (Almost did the latter once, but let's just say I'd still be waiting to be seated! =P)
