day 067. [catch]

Tonight's photo was a third attempt at dealing with lights and what not. I possibly might try something again tomorrow.

Anyways, yesterday was kind of a "blah" day.

To be honest with you, my day consisted of me mainly just talking to people from camp. I definitely miss camp and the other leaders so much that It's just fun to talk to them, haha. If you're wondering though, I'm mainly talking to Kevin & Calley ... mainly Kevin, bahaha.

The real fun wasn't until later in the day, and by later, I mean much later. So I'll fast forward in the details of the day and get to where the fun actually started, ha.

I ended up stopping by Steven's place because I was going to pick up a shirt to borrow for my special day with Kevin and Calley. Well, I was playing with a slime ball and ended up popping it. Got all over my white shorts, my hoodie, my cell phone, and parts of Sammy's rug. Note to self: I can't/shouldn't own anything white.

After that though, Steven and I just chilled before we met up with Matt at West Beach to do some night photography. Steven and I messed with long exposure while Matt on the other hand did some flash photography stuff. It worked out really well. One of the shots [today's photo] was of Steven and me playing catch with a bike light. We had a lot of fun with it, ha.

Afterwards though Steven and I went to the Donut House. At this point it's midnight and I already knew that this post would be late. What I really enjoy hanging about hanging out with Steven is that for the most part our conversations are so God centered. We really just debriefed about Kid's Camp and how amazing it was this year compared to last year. Seriously, if you haven't read any of the Kid's Camp posts get on it! Just reading them though you don't get the full force of what God really did.

We got back to Oak Harbor pretty close to 2 in the AM. We hit up a few spots in Oak Harbor to work on more long exposures. My camera was pretty much dead, so we did all the stuff on his camera. They came out pretty well, but for myself and him it was a lot of practice. We'll definitely have to go out and that again.

PS. I'm aware that I have two photos, but one is to show you how much damage I did to my clothes. To be honest though, it looks pretty cool, haha.

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