day 091. [memories]

It's official - Summer 2010 is OVER. I'm about to head out of Oak Harbor for the glorious Portland. I unfortunately won't make it to the soccer game. To top it off I also won't be in the dorms tonight :(

I'll be with my parents for one last night. Part of me is cool with that, but the other part of me really wishes I could be on the campus tonight. That would be SO MUCH COOLER. I guess that's the part of growing up that really has taken a hold on my life. I've finally become independent of them, kind of, ha.

Anyways, this summer was such an awesome summer. It wouldn't have been the summer it is without the help of my friends :)

Man, I don't know where to start, so I guess I'll start with the smaller things from this summer and make my way towards the bigger stuff!

Summer's in Oak Harbor are not summer's unless you do the following:
  • Random Donut House runs at the latest hours possible
  • Staying at the Donut House for hours on ends just talking and chatting with friends
  • Watching the sunset at West Beach. With or without friends. Either is just a pleasurable
  • Starbucks meet ups, but I guess that one is anywhere you go
  • Random drives down to the South End of the Island
  • While in the south end, you realize that the the north end is much more exciting, haha
I guess that's it, I thought there were more, but that's about it, ha. Some of the bigger things that I did this summer, and that made summer A HELL OF A LOT MORE FUN, was:
1. Summer School
I had the opportunity to take two courses back at the University of Portland campus. I took a history course and BibTrad. I had a lot of fun because my friend Melanie was there taking courses too. It was an extra six weeks that we got to hangout because she's going to be in Salzburg in less than a week! What was also fun was I pulled off a 4.0 this past summer semester. Yeah, I got an A in BibTrad!! WOOT-WOOT!!

Going back to having Melanie there, it was fun because we were able to go out more this time compared to a regular school year. I mean we went off campus a few times to go eat. We also just went off campus at random times and we were always blasting Glee Music, haha. When I was sick Melanie even took care of me because that's what friends do!! We would always watch The Simpsons or pop in a movie when we were doing homework because we both realized that we actually work better with distractions. We even played tons and tons of Guitar Hero. That's just how cool we were, haha.

2. Kid's Camp
All I can say is read my posts about Kid's Camp because it was such an awesome week. I'll say this though, for the first time I really felt like I was doing God's Work during Kid's Camp. I really was leading that week, but all by the grace and glory of him. Couldn't have done it without him that week. I wouldn't have survived that week either if it wasn't for him and the prayers of other leaders. Same goes out to those guys. To top it off, I made some pretty awesome friends, with other leaders of course, during that week of Kid's Camp. If you really want a funny read, check out my blog titled "Remember When" and it'll give you a good recap of some of the funny/scary/anxious stuff that happened that week. It's some good stuff, so just read it!

3. High School Camp
Again, read my posts about High School Camp. It was amazing week where God not only spoke to me, but moved in me as well. It was an amazing week that I can't let go of because of how powerful it was in regards to my own life. I can only hope that you guys could experience the same things that I've experienced.
Anyways, there was definitely more that happened this summer, but it's time to go! I love you guys so much. Keep in contact. Some of you have been tagged in a note that has my mailing address in it, so I better get some mail from you guys this year. Trust me, I'll return the favor, just as long as you send something too :)

It was an awesome summer. A lot of growth definitely happened, and I'm ready now to go back to the University of Portland and start some of the work that I've been called to! Prayers would be awesome. I'm going to miss you guys so much!

Remember, I'm only a phone call away guys :)

PS. Today marks the 1/4 mark of this whole project. CRAZY!!

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