day 072. [growth]

This might sound like a concert review, and the thing is ... it might be, ha. Also, it'll kind of be like a tribute to my good friend Jessica Andrukat :)

So a few posts ago, actually a week ago, I wrote about how Jessica is such an awesome lady who lives for God. How she has so much wisdom in that brain of hers; that brain is almost 20 by the way!

What I failed to mention though was that her wisdom isn't just through her spoken words, but her wisdom comes from her lyrics in her songs. Yeah, that's right, Jessica is a striving musical artist. Give her a listen if you get the chance. Her lyrics are strong and deep.

I've gotten the pleasure to really get to know Jessica over the past two years. I met her during my sophomore year, her junior year, while I was helping out with the choir because it had an oboe part. Thing is, with the time I've gotten to know her I've had the opportunity to get to see her grow as a musician, as a Christian. As did she, she got to see me grow in ways that I would have never been able to grow if I didn't except Jesus into my life.

Jessica, if you're reading this, I love you! You're seriously an amazing person.

Back to her lyrics, ha. What I love most about her lyrics with her songs is that they're deep (I said that already) and they're real. You can just tell that so much of Jessica goes into her songs, which makes them personal. With them being personal, they can be relatable to people. She is seriously speaking into people with her lyrics. Ahhh! I could go on and on about Jessica. I really am blessed to have gotten to know her these past two years.

Anyways, if you're one of my readers or someone new to my blog check out this bonus blog that was written with you in mind :)

Just an insight on some of her lyrics, this is from one of her songs that she sang tonight at the concert:
"We were meant to be much more than we see"
Flippin' amazing if you ask me :)

I forgot to mention, if you want to see pictures from the concert tonight go to my flickr! I will put more of the photos up when I'm back from camp!

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