day 078. [farewell]

Farewell is such a bad word to use. It sounds like I'll never see these people again. That's such a lie! I will see some of these people again in the months, maybe even weeks, to come.

The best part about the relationships I've made from Kid's Camp and High School Camp is what our linkage is; God. Our friendships, as new as some of them might be, go deep. We hit the core of each other because of our individual relationships with God. Our relationships are so much more real compared to some of our other relationships we have. I feel bad for saying that, but it is true for the most part. I feel like I can trust these guys with just a bit more compared to my friends who have yet to start that relationship with God.

If you're wondering by the way, this is my friend Kyleann. Unfortunately she goes to school at Snohomish High School :P

She was a leader at Kid's Camp and my food friend during High School Camp! We ate most of the meals together and I found myself eating off of her plate most of the time. Especially when she didn't like something that I liked, haha. Kyleann is just one of the few people I've had the opportunity to meet and become friends with these past few weeks.

If you don't remember, during Kid's Camp I became friends with Calley (my best fran!) and Kevin (BFF!!). I also met Miranda there at Kid's Camp. I met Chase Weholt there as well. From High School Camp I also got to be better friends with Isaac. I can't forget Regan. That fool, I met him about two years ago - going on three. Time amazes me at how fast it's going, ha. I loved serving with you New Lifers, and I loved being a camper with you guys.

Keep an eye out because I might pop my head in at New Life every now and then ;)

I definitely cannot wait to serve with you guys again!!

PS. These are just a few people I met. I met a ton more of people, haha :)

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