day 089. [two days]

Like I said yesterday, the realization of me leaving for Portland is starting to sink it even more. It definitely sunk in today when I was saying goodbyes to people after Donuts & Devos. WHICH, by the way was awesome. It felt good to be there with my peeps and just o one last Donuts & Devos before this summer came to an end.

From Donuts & Devos though we went to the skate park to pass out PB&J sandwiches. We were just hoping that we'd be able to do ministry there. It'll take time. You guys at Living Word, keep it up. Just keep working at it and things will eventually come around :)

I had the pleasure of going out to lunch with the Andrukat siblings as well as Katherine. All of which are pretty happening people. They're all amazing. It's a shame that when I come home in October Katherine won't be here anymore :(

On that note, Angel won't be in Oak Harbor either. Saying his goodbye was probably the hardest one of them all. For those that don't know Angel is my Youth Pastor and has been called to Pasco to plant a church. Well, what makes Angel so amazing is that he has continually spoke into my life for almost three years now. There have been people that have "spoken" into my life and eventually just gave up, but Angel was different. He didn't give up on me. He saw something. He saw potential to do some work. If it wasn't for Angel, and the help of others, leading me I don't think I'd be where I am now in my life. That's including all the crap that has been present in my life. Either way, thanks Angel! I hope to be seeing him in Pasco soon ;)

The best part of my day was finishing up the packing. It might seem like I've been doing a lot of packing. In all honesty I haven't. I just chose to not pack as long as I could have. Maybe put one thing away. By finishing up the packing though, I really meant getting everything together so I could pack it later, haha. Maybe I'll finish it up tomorrow X)

Later in the afternoon though I met up with my good friend Bernie. We didn't get to see each other all that much this summer because:
  1. I went back to Portland so I could do a summer semester
  2. By the time I got back she was on her way to China for a summer dealio with her school
So almost two months since I came home and she left we were able to meet up and just kind of talk about our summers. Our lives are definitely different, but it's good. You can just tell we're college students because we've got different things going on in our lives. It'll be good to catch up with her sometime in the near future.

I can't believe that tomorrow I'll only have one more day in Oak Harbor. It was awesome. It was worth it. I'm excited though to head back down to Portland. There's stuff I'm looking forward to! I also just miss everyone that I go to school with, ha. See ya guys in a few days :)

By the way, I uploaded one of the shots I took at the skate park today. Be sure to check out my flickr for that shot, ha.

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