day 073. [high school camp]

Disclaimer to my readers: So much happened this past week that if I wrote it all out I would end up writing a novel or two. Because of that though I'm going to keep things short and focus more on what God was doing in me. If you have any questions though, feel free to ask me.

Since I'm writing on what was most significant, my posts might be short, but that's a good thing for you guys reading them! :)

Anyways, on the first day that we got there we obviously all settled into our cabins. What are the odds that I'd get put into Cabin 22, which is double 11, haha.

That night at chapel I wasn't expecting for what Shane brought to the table. He started talking about how this week God will personally talk to us and that we'll have to listen for what he has to say. (I'll go more into that one for day 074's post).

A lot of what this night consisted of was Shane preaching on what makes a church beautiful. But what I wasn't expecting was Shane to call people to the altar who had stuff to let go of before God. Shane also said that God was letting us know that we don't need to look back anymore because there's nothing there. Right away though God put two obvious things in my life that I had to let go of. As personal I would love to get, ask me what those two things were and I'll let you know what they were.

Let's just say that this was an awesome way to start off a week that has so much more in store!

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