day 081. [senior photos: jordan]

Today I had the opportunity to finish up Jordan's senior photos. Now you guys know who this mystery senior was, ha. I know, nothing special, but hey I wanted to keep her a secret until I finished up her photos.

The main goal today with finishing up her senior photos was getting the volleyball ones done. You can check out what that one looks like if you go to my flickr account. If you look at the volleyball one you'll see that her face is lit up despite the fact that we were shooting in direct sunlight. That's because I ended up making a reflector. You see, yesterday we had a ton of problems with lighting during the volleyball net portion of her photos. Luckily, with a reflector and an adjusted exposure her photos came out really well this time.

I won't lie to you, by the way, today wasn't all that great of a day. It was more on the chill side, I probably could have started packing for school, but you know me - [and every other kid heading back to college] I wait until the last minute, haha.

I did hang out with my brother though today, which was awesome. We went to the Christian bookstore to get my ring fitted. While there I saw Poggie and Courtney. I love them both :)

I actually had a lot of fun hanging out with my brother. For those that don't know, we're ten years apart. Despite the distance in age, we are actually really close :D

I had a good phone date with Calley today! We talked about high school camp and how God rocked me. Seriously, give my blogs a read to get a glimpse of how God moved through me. I'm in the process of writing for my personal blog, so I'll link that when those blogs are done.

Afterwards though I went over to the house that Kristen was house sitting for. While there Greg, Kristen, and I watched Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. It's such a good movie, but it's definitely not House of Ross appropriate. I'm surprised that Greg actually ended up liking the movie.

Anyways, not to end the blog, I'm heading to bed. I have donuts and devo's to head tomorrow. On top of that I have a photography competition to judge! Night guys :)

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