day 069. [camp buddies]

Do you guys remember me talking about Kevin and Calley in a few posts back during Kid's Camp. If you do, I don't remember really writing about them, haha. I do remember using a photo of us three though :)

Today was definitely a fun day, and if you want to possibly read more about it check out my friend Matt's blog! He caught a lot of the behind the scene stuff that happened today. [You'll just need to make sure that it's up, ha]

Anyways, this morning I woke up to get ready to go and hang out with Calley and Kevin, who I met from Kid's Camp this year. Those guys are so lucky ... Kevin lives in Arlington and Calley's parents live in Mukilteo, which is where we met up and then we all moved into just one car. Unfortunately, for Matt and I we live in Oak Harbor. Instead of driving around, we just took the ferry to Mukilteo and then met up with Calley and Kevin from there.

Like I said, once we met up we all piled into Calley's car to head over to Seattle. While in Seattle I tried to do some of Kevin's senior photos like I said in yesterday's post, that turned into a major fail because the lighting was just not right and he kept getting washed out in some of the photos. I'm crossing my fingers that things work out on Saturday and he can come up to Oak Harbor where I can do some photos here. Another thing on top of doing his photos is that I'm not used to doing photos of someone while there are a ton of people around us. I'm used to having people actually clear out, ha. I guess it'll be something that I have to get used to and work around the next time I find myself in that situation.

Back to doing his photos, I've never been so frustrated doing photos today, it wasn't Kevin at all, it was seriously my camera and me. I should throw out a thanks to Calley though because she was posing him, seeing as she's a model ;)

In the end though I ended up just giving up and, like I said, waiting until Saturday if things work out.

Besides his senior photos, it was honestly us three just hanging out while Matt took some photos of us three. I warned him about our craziness, but he definitely wasn't ready. For reference, refer to #3 in this post. Did you check it out? Well guess what? That happened today. I think what's worse is that there are now photos of this. Want to know something else about those photos? You'll never get to see them.

I forgot to mention that we saw this card magician who did an awesome trick. It was a card trick, but it sure got us. [I'm so tired if you can't tell, which is why I'm quick to the point with what I'm saying].

Unfortunately, the day ended because Kevin and Calley had work, which they both ended up being late to. Luckily for the both of them though they were alright. Yay for prayer! bahaha.

I hope to be able to hangout with them again seeing as I really do like spending time with those two. Maybe when we hang out the next time we'll keep things to ourselves ... haha. Like that'll ever happen ;)

Stay tuned though for Kevin's Senior Photos [hopefully] in the meantime I put up two other shots from today on my flickr. Enjoy it :)

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