day 063. [remember when]

The last day was a hard day. Everything our boys were the first day was what they were today. At one point I told myself, "I wish I had gotten sent home early" because I was tired and didn't want to really deal with them anymore (I'll elaborate on that later, haha).

But when the parents were picking the kids up and signing them out I couldn't help but cry. I invested a weeks worth of my life into these boys. As did Kevin and Steven. It was so hard to say bye to some of the boys. Even the ones that caused us so much trouble throughout the week. At that moment I had to forgive them for the stress they caused us three. I had to forgive them for not listening. If I hadn't forgiven them for what they did I wouldn't be the Christian that I call myself.

The hardest part was when Kevin, Steven, and I looked at the sign out sheet and saw that all 15 boys were signed out. To look at the porch of our cabin and see that the only bags left were the leaders, that was hard.

Anyways, it's now time to recap on this past week. Camp is not camp if you do not create those remember when's, and boy do we have some remember when's from this week.
Here are the Top 5 Remember When's from Kid's Camp 2010 (not in any order):

1. Getting lost on the way to Kid's Camp
Something that made this year different was the leader's didn't ride down to camp with the campers. This was because we all had to get to the campsite a whole day early. Now, if Tasha is reading this she is probably going to hit me or something the next time I see her, haha. Anyways, Tasha, Novella, Vetrica, and I left Oak Harbor at like 3:30ish and we didn't get to Lake Stevens until almost 6:30ish. If you're from Washington you'll know that the trip isn't that long of a trip. What happened was we took a right instead of a left ... took us 30 miles in the other direction. Poor Tasha. You know I love you :)

2. Chase the germaphobe
I met Chase Weholt last summer at Kid's Camp when he was getting ready to go into his freshman year of high school. Now he's getting ready to go into his sophomore year. I wasn't aware that he was as big of a germaphobe as he is. When I found that out, I thought I'd mess with him. I managed to lick his elbow a good 3-4 times in the last two days. Kevin managed to get his face. Calley I think managed to get his neck. If you read this Chase ... I love you and just know that you'll probably want to wash your shirt a good 5 times seeing as when I signed it I also licked it, haha.

3. "Remember when Rick licked ______"
Enough said. Ask me in person, bahaha.

4. Janelle was so angry that leaders about pooped their pants
For those that don't know this was possibly Janelle's last year of Kid's Camp because she moved up to the Ass. Pastor of Living Word. Because of that Tasha came up with a cool idea to go get her flowers from Safeway Thursday night. You have to realize that as leaders we signed a paper saying that we "would not leave the campus." To get the flowers meant having to leave the campus that night. Boy did we fail at being spies, haha. On our way to Safeway we were cracking jokes about how if Janelle ruined her surprise by finding us when we got back. Well, jokes became reality. When we pulled up to the parking lot we we re greeted by Janelle (who was coached on how to be angry) and Ty. What she said to us was:

"Pack your bags because you might not be able to say bye to your kids" (remember, she was coached! haha)

I about pooped my pants as did some of the other leaders. Tasha cleared things up with her, but we ended up having to have a meeting the following morning to discuss whether or not we would be able to stay. We got to stay, but when they were talking to us no one was looking at Janelle or Patty. Some of us were crying. It was just too much.

Come to find out, while Janelle walked into her cabin and the leaders walked into their own cabins she was laughing while all of us were praying that we got to stay.

That morning though at chapel Aaron came up with a story so that we could present the flowers to her ... he called us the "ninja warriors" haha. It's all laughs now, but at the time it was pretty scary.

Did I mention that the 8 leaders were deemed the "Infamous 8" ... YAY! Like Tommy told us at Applebee's though, "at least you don't have rules that were made because of you"

5. God created relationships and moved through everybody at camp
This is probably the most cliche remember when to give, but it's so true. I mean it's Church Camp, so God is going to do something whether or not you want him to. God really did do a lot this week. He brought leaders together in friendship that has brought out support systems for all of us. We now have other people other than those we go to church with to support us. Don't forget though, God is always there to be our number one supporter. Go to him first before you go to anyone else :)

Not only did God build relationships amongst the leaders, but also between leaders and the kids. I would say their kids, but we all built relationships with all of the kids from camp. It took my second year of camp to realize how much of a heart I really do have for kids. To see kids their age worshiping and giving their lives to God is powerful and amazing. But yeah, he definitely built up relationships for some of these kids to look up to. I can only pray that these kids keep seeking out God after this week.

None of this wouldn't have happened through without his movement on that campsite. He moved through every individual that was there this past week.
God is so flipping amazing. I'm crossing my fingers that I can make it for another year to Kid's Camp. They have a special place in my heart that aches for them to know their Father. Ahh. Gotta love kids :)
Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

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