day 044. [slurpee]

Coming home at like 2:30 AM and going to bed at 3:00 AM meant that I wasn't going to go to church until the 11:30 service, which is the last of the three services at Living Word. It was awesome to see Jerry Cook giving a message again at Living Word. Some of you might not know, but between Pastor Dave and Pastor Russ Living Word had an intern pastor that was getting us ready for the new pastor. Well, that intern pastor was Pastor Jerry Cook. It was awesome having him around for four months before Russ came in to pastor the church. I loved the message that Jerry gave. It was just one of the many things that God spoke into me today.

After church I went to 7-11 to get a free Slurpee!! I really felt old though because I was with three sophomores and a junior. Well, Jared didn't make me feel that old, but it was Sharmaine, Erika, and Jonah that made me feel old because they are sophomores and I'm technically a sophomore. I thought when they did their free Slurpee's, that it was like the regular size Slurpee's. You see, I had never gotten a free slurpee until this year, ha. Little did I know that the size of the Slurpee was ... down sized. In fact, looking at the cup (it's been washed out and dried) the size of the slurpee was 7.11 oz, bahaha. Oh snap!

I eventually got those guys where they needed to be and I came home to rest and work on day 043's post. After being home I ended up going to Night of Worship back at my church. There were definitely some intimate moments between individuals of the church and God. I myself had an intimate moment that I really needed to have. It was something that needed to happen. He broke me down. I spent a little too much time this past year building up the wall that he broke down two years ago. I needed to be broken. Why? He's going to be able to use me. He's going to be able to work in me. He'll be able to heal the pain that is sitting inside of me. Like I said, it was needed and it definitely was an intimate moment. Tears were worth it.

At youth group Micah spoke on his missions trip to China. It was so cool to hear what God did and spoke to him while he was there. By the way, I want to make it public that I congratulate his mom in having her 10th child. Healthy baby girl. Abigail is her name.

As usual, after youth group we all went as a big group to Applebee's. Before hand though Sharmaine and I went to 7-11 again to pick up another free slurpee! From Applebee's though I went over to my friend Josh's apartment with a few people where we watched Law Abiding Citizen. It was, to my surprise, a good movie. I quite liked it. Not to give anything away ... you should consider watching it :)

We all just chatted for a bit about some random things, but we chatted for a bit, ha.

Anyways, SUMMER DEPLOYMENT is this week. I'm so looking forward to working with the little kids from the church :)

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