day 064. [blogging]

Being gone for a whole week meant a whole lot of blogging to catch up on. That's exactly what I did, once I woke up, haha.

We rolled into Oak Harbor last night around 1 in the morning. At that point I was just really tired and wanted to go to bed. Instead I looked through some of the photos from Camp. That just meant that I didn't go to bed until close to 3, which at this point is the latest I've stayed up all this past week.

When I woke up this morning though I knew for a fact that I didn't want to go out or really do anything seeing as I am trying to recover from a tiring week of Kid's Camp. I'm more tired from this year than I was last year! Goes to show how much energy I was putting in this year compared to last year, haha.

Seriously though, I spent a few hours today updating six new blogs that were missing because I was at camp. I've got another week of camp coming up, so that'll be a few more that need to be posted up late, ha. Oh man X)

But yeah, that's what I did for part of today ... blog. It was actually kind of fun writing down what happened this past week at Kid's Camp. If you haven't read them yet you are seriously missing out on some good stuff. Days 058 - 063. Check them out :)

That's about it, ha. I have some more seniors this week as well as a hangout with Calley & Kevin [leaders from camp!]

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