day 060. [praise]

Day 002 of Kid's Camp rolled along just as Day 001 did.

If I were to pick just one day of the week as my favorite, I don't think I really enjoyed Kid's Camp for what it is. That's why I don't really have a favorite day. They were all my favorite in some kind of way that made them stand out.

One thing that stood out the most during this entire day was the evening chapel's worship. It was powerful and it spoke to the campers. It especially spoke to one of the campers that I had the opportunity to be a leader to.

Anyways, during worship one of my boys is at the altar, just as I am, worshiping and he knows I'm there, but at some point between songs Nick comes up to me and asks me if he could share something during cabin time. Unfortunately, we did not have cabin time that night, which was a bummer. I later asked him what he wanted to share with the cabin. What he said to me blew my mind, only because of the experience he just had.

What Nick said to me was:
When I was worshiping I couldn't hear the other people worshiping, but what I could see was angels above everyone and they were all holding our hearts keeping us safe.
When he said that to me, I wanted to cry out of excitement and joy. Those are some powerful words to say, and that's something that he obviously genuinely experienced. I pray that he remembers that night because it's a night that has changed the course of his life in his journey with God.

He eventually did get to share what he had to say with the other cabin members. Some took it to heart while others didn't, but either way Little Nick was preaching it to boys his own age!
Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do" Joshua 1:8

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