day 058. [cabin 11]

Right away at the meeting on Friday I knew that camp was going to be a little different compared to camp from last year.

The first difference was the leaders had to show up to the camp site a day early. And to be honest with you, I kind of liked it that way. Just one more day to prepare ourselves for the kids.

The drive down was an interesting one at that. Let's just say that the drive down to the camp was one of those "remember when's!" haha. Love you Tasha :)

By the time all of leader's got there it was time for a party to happen! A leader's party that is!! Haha, it involved us getting our beds ready, meeting other leaders, going out to eat with some leaders, and some good worship on the porches of the cabins.

You could just tell that there was going to be some good bonding with the days to come!

PS. If you don't recognize the guy in the blue, that's Kevin from Arlington, but goes to New Life in Everett. He was the other Cabin Leader that joined me and Steven in Cabin 11!!

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