day 055. [tie-dye!]

First of all, I can't believe that I'm on day 55, even though that's just barely making a dent in the whole project, ha. Secondly, today was a good day!

I started today off with doing Tie-Dye with what was supposed to be a big group of people, but it turned into just being Courtney, Sharmaine, and me ... ha. It was still a lot of fun.

So here's a story for you all as to why I've been wanting to tie-dye so desperately this whole summer ...

When I was 9 and watching the show Arthur there was one of those arts & crafts segments between episodes; obviously the one time I'm watching it the segment is on doing tie-dye. Since then I've always wanted to do some kind of tie-dye and today was definitely the day to do it ... 10 years later. But hey, better late than never, right? ;)

I definitely wish there were more people that could come out to this, but that just means that Courtney and I will definitely have to do another tie-dye party before people start heading back to college.

From tie-dying Sharmaine and I went to Rocky Point where there was a party/picnic that our mom's work had put together. I'm pretty sure this party has been going on every year, but I just don't remember it all that much. I think the last one I went to I was around 10-12 years old. I'm getting old and time is definitely flying ...

In all honesty, Sharmaine and I were just there to grab a quick bite before we headed out. When we headed back out though we ended up at my house so I could upload the few pictures I took from tie-dying. I also showed her the other pictures I've ever taken it because she was curious and I definitely didn't mind showing her my pictures.

Originally, Sharmaine was supposed to come to dance at Living Word with me, but she went to go see Shawna while I was at dance.

Lesson learned: I'd much rather do contemporary dance than hip-hop.

Just after what I saw and experienced myself, contemporary would be more my thing rather than hip-hop. Granted we only did one kind of hip-hop today, but still I saw Tasha do some contemporary and that would definitely be my thing compared to hip-hop, ha. Dance was definitely fun and I wouldn't mind going again.

I stayed and chilled at the church for a bit because I really do miss just hanging out there. I mean, there were some days last summer where I would literally just chill at the church after donuts & devos, maybe even read my bible more.

After that though I went home and just chilled. I was supposed to go to Starbucks with Audrey, but plans changed; it was totally alright though because I almost forgot, haha. If you read my status on Facebook you'd probably guess where I went next ... the sunset is right! I ended up running into Laura and Caytie there. I had seen them just hours before at dance. Those ladies are pretty awesome!

It's definitely been a nice break from doing senior photos. Tomorrow should be fun at the Kid's Camp meeting!! SO EXCITED FOR KID'S CAMP NEXT WEEK!!

That reminds me, so from July 25 - July 30th I will not be able to post anything because I will be gone at Kid's Camp. If you forget that I wrote this and freak out because I won't be posting for 6 days, don't worry because I'll make a little post to remind those who come by ;)

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