day 052. [senior photos: james]

Today was another day where I took senior photos. I've got four more seniors to go before I'm done with all of this! Don't get me wrong though, it's definitely been a blast hanging out with seniors from the Class of 2011. It is still a little weird for me to know that they are seniors because some of these guys I've known for some time now. I guess this is how people felt when I was a senior, ha. It just makes me feel old, bahaha.

Anyways, today's senior was James Middleton. You probably can't see this or even begin to guess this by looking at this photo, but James used to be a short and chubby kid. He definitely has not only thinned out, but he's gotten taller too.

Just like Brandon, I took James to the old train station in Anacortes. Unlike Brandon, I took him to a different spot on the train station. In fact, James and I even walked around Anacortes for a bit to get some more shots while there. That was probably the most I'd ever gone to Anacortes without going to the Donut House. For my friends from UP, Donut House is like VooDoo Doughnuts, just not as crazy. The way I say it to people here, VooDoo is like the Donut House on crack ... so just think of it the other way around!

That was some good time spent there, but from Anacortes we went over to Fort Ebey to get some shots in a more "green" scenery. We never even used the "green" that was there. Instead we just found some forts to do photos near. Because Fort Ebey was in the woods, the photos were actually different compared to those at Fort Casey ...

Speaking of Fort Casey, we eventually went there, but before heading out there we went to the docks in downtown Coupeville. Too much sun and too many people = not the ideal place to really do photos at the moment. We did a few there and then left ASAP to head over to Fort Casey. Just like Allison, James is wearing a plaid shirt. Obviously the difference between the two is how I positioned them. James being a guy and Allison being a girl, there were definite differences as to how I'd sit them. Obviously, James would be more straight on to really show how broad his shoulders are (you know, how guys should look - broad shoulders).

Again, it was a good day of senior photos. Doing more of them tomorrow!

Tomorrow's Senior: Caytie Matthews

You know the drill on where to find more of the shots from today. CLICK ME :)

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