day 048. [SD: day 004]

OH MAN!! Today is the 4th day of Summer Deployment. Technically it's the last day seeing as tomorrow is the big BBQ at Living Word!! It's SUPER insane at how fast this week seemed to have gone by. Luckily, I get to go to Kid's Camp for a good solid week with some of the Living Word Kids!

Anyways, worship today was more personal than how we usually have it. We let the kids help out! You could definitely tell that the kids had a lot of fun, and that's one of the things we ask of the kids; that they have FUN!

Today's game consisted of an obstacle course and getting wet. Obviously with the lack of motor skills (haha) the kids took some hard falls and some pretty funny spills, ha. The good thing is that the kids were able to laugh at themselves as well as each other. I'm really glad that all of them were able to have fun with the last game of the week. I even decided to get wet; I obviously gave my stuff to someone so I wouldn't get my camera and backpack wet, ha.

If you've been following, we went to the memory verse station. Today's verse was probably the longest one, but my kids were able to memorize it!! Not only that, but they all remembered their other verses from this past week. That's four verses that they all know, Man! Today's verse was:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9
Is that not a long verse? Yeah. Proud of those kids. Their craft today was making a boat. It definitely goes with the water theme this year, haha. Speaking of crafts, they got their frames back today with the group picture in it. We look pretty awesome if you ask me. GO 4TH/5TH GRADERS!!

Snacks today was mainly Goldfish and Skittles. Surprisingly when you eat the two together, it's really good.

If you can't tell, as the week has gone on it's been getting low key. There's a bunch of reasons for that. Leader's get tired, but we still have to keep the intensity of the week going. Less kids show up, which makes it not as hyped up. But a lot of it probably has to do with the level of energy.

As for closing up, we had another leader's challenge. This leader's challenge was dealing with who could make the biggest beard using shaving cream. Red Team won ... making it TWO WINS for Red Team!!

Yellow Team: 1 - 3
Green Team: 1 - 3
Red Team: 2 - 2

That's how we roll!
So I know that every 15th of the month I would post up a self-portrait. Seeing as I kind of had a theme going on this week, I'll have to put up a self-portrait up another time. Probably on a day where I don't have senior portraits up. Yeah! I'll get it up :)

Seeing as Summer Deployment is ending (tomorrow) I will start up putting the pictures of the seniors upon these pages. Tomorrow will be the first of the several seniors I take photos of.

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