day 051. [flustered]

Seeing as I don't have Summer Deployment or Senior Portraits to put up, I figured I could put up the three-day-late self portrait.

If you're wondering why today's post is titled flustered, it's because that's how I feel right now. Maybe even a little frustrated. It all started with a phone call last night. I'm not going to go into details, but that phone call has made today seem like the longest day ever.

Anyways, I started today by having to force myself out of bed to get ready for church. I'm not going to lie, I almost didn't want to go to church because it would have meant having to see people that would potentially ask me if I'm alright. There would be some people who would know just by looking past the fake smile that something was wrong.

I even told myself this morning that whatever tears that felt the need to surface to my face, I would hold them back. But then Laura (worship leader) said something that pretty much was my cue to let all the tears go. She said something along the lines of how it's hard to go to church sometimes when there's so much going on, but that we have to let it go and give up to him. That was my cue because then I found myself letting all those tears go.

He's teaching me how to be real.

Seeing as I had a break from taking senior photos today, it didn't mean that it was a complete break. I still met with two of the seniors today to help them pick their clothes out. One of them was James, who I'm doing his photos tomorrow. The other was Caytie and her photos are on Tuesday. It should be tons of fun doing their pictures. By the way, more seniors to come this week, so definitely keep an eye out on that!

After picking clothes out, ha, I went to Youth Group. It was another awesome night. Tommy Guns spoke tonight on what God looks like. It was really what I needed. I guess you could say that I'm emotionally broken right now because I've just been in tears today. I've also just felt the need to cry for awhile. What Tommy had to say though was so awesome. He really is preaching the word of the Lord. Love ya Tommy!

As usual, ended up at Applebee's tonight with the Youth Group. I definitely miss the times with these guys, ha.

That was about it for today. Senior photos tomorrow!

Tomorrow's Senior: James Middleton

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