day 041. [run, run, run]

I was originally going to spend the day hanging out with my friend Caytie Matthews making friendship/hemp bracelets. That time it took for us to change plans was just as fast as when we made them, haha. No worries, we can plan for another day to make crafts. Because the plans had changed for the day I found myself up early wondering what to do ...

I started with a quick ab workout this morning followed by lunch and then I read part of Crime & Punishment. After finishing The Adolescent, I actually have come to like it. It was surprisingly a good book about how the main character comes to finally meet his real father after having lived with his foster parents. I just suggest you read it to understand the full picture.

After reading though I decided to just lounge around before I went out on a walk. It was yet another GORGEOUS day that I had to at least spend some time in. When I got done walking around though, I just decided to lounge around the house and play on the piano for a bit.

Around 7 I went to Starbucks to meet with one of the five seniors to discuss ideas, locations, and how I price. I'm looking forward to doing his shots. He really has this Portland kind of feel, which I've recently fallen in love with. I can't wait to show off his pictures on here and flickr.

In the midst of everything I did and everything I didn't do today, I really had an itch to run. I did, haha. I'm not one that likes to run alone so I ran with my friend Allison Duvenez. If you've been reading, you'll know that she's one of the seniors that I'm doing senior portraits for. As for running, I'm not one to run alone and I'm definitely not one to run on a track. Today though, I wanted to run on a track just because it's a lot easier on my joints. I don't mind sprinting on tracks, but distance running ... eh let's keep that to running around town or on a trail, ha.

I forgot, speaking of track I guess I can share with you guys a deep old secret of mine, ha. So many of you know me as this big volleyball junky, and that's because I am. But there was a time where volleyball really was just a sport to me. Ok, so here's the deep old secret of mine: When I was in the 7th Grade running on the track team, and even into my 8th Grade season, I dreamed that I would go to the Olympics as a track runner. I mean I had some pretty awesome times for a 7th/8th Grade Sprinter. That dream eventually died by the time I got to high school. Well, it started to change in the middle of my 8th Grade season. Track is now just a sport, volleyball is now my life and my passion. There, that's like one of my confessions that I may make while working on this blog. Who knows, I might confess more things, ha.

Tomorrow is going to be another beautiful day! Can't wait!!

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