day 046. [SD: day 002]

Today was yet another day of Summer Deployment!! Day 002 as I would call it. Just like yesterday we started the day off with some good worship. Ms. Novella, Ms. Tasha, and I definitely got a good workout from that, but it wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday, haha.

Once worship was done Ms. Janelle and Ms. Tasha put on yet another skit to open up the theme of today, which later was elaborated on during the memory verse station.

Working with the 4th/5th Graders today was a bit more manageable seeing as Tasha and I had 5 less kids. You might be thinking that 5 less kids isn't that big of a deal, but remember the kids are around the ages of 9-11. It makes a difference, haha.

Like yesterday our first station was games where they started out with a water balloon toss. After seeing how fast the groups got out, I can see why water balloon tosses don't go over all that well with kids their age. I don't doubt their motor skills, but it's the fact that some of them haven't developed yet ... Let's just say that game lasted for not even close to three minutes, haha. Once the last group was out the next game they played was crab soccer, which inevitably turned into just regular soccer. Soccer that is with a big gigantic beach ball that kept blowing away everytime it got airborne. Smart move on Greg and Joel by putting water in it to keep it from getting too airborne.

Once done with games the group moved over to the memory verse station where Kristen gave the kids some helpful gestures and movements. Whatever you want to call them, ha. First off, I want to say how proud I am of my group. So many of them remembered yesterday's verse! In return they got life savers from Kristen. Good job today guys! Moving on, today's verse was:
Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. - Matthew 4:19
Yet another good verse and a verse that deals with more water. Hopefully tomorrow my kids will be able to not only remember this verse and yesterday's verse, but their verse for tomorrow as well. Because with verses we have a lot of free time once we've gone through the hand gestures, we always end the station with a game. Today's game was red light/green light. Kids can get a little out of hand I might say, haha.

Crafts was too much fun today. It was simple, but really fun. I in fact got to make today's craft. It was this little boat with a fisherman or fisherwoman in it with the verse of the day. The funny thing is, the verse of the day on the craft is from Mark rather than Matthew.

Side note: Because of what I learned in BibTrad, it totally makes sense as to why Mark and Matthew have a similar passage, ha.

After crafts the kids moved to snacks. I should probably say that the snacks are usually made from other snacks. Most things aren't already brought pre-made. I say this because today's snack was trail mix. It was so good that I ...
  1. Had a bag during the memory verse station
  2. I had another bag during our snack time
  3. I saved the second bag because it was that good.
Because we didn't actually make the snacks for ourselves today, thanks Ms. Teresa, the kids had some more down time to play games. So we did, we played Quack Delioso and Red Rover. Those two games combined were enough time to end the station and bring today to a close.

The leader's challenge today was to CHUG a slurpee. Thanks to Jonah for being here because he represented the Red Team today, which might I add ... WON. Good thing that Sean was at work, haha, otherwise Yellow Team might have come out with another win. Green Team, you'll get that win. I know it. I can smell that win coming for you guys!

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