day 062. [support]

"Camp is for the Campers" is the motto for when it comes to Kid's Camp, but you know what? After this week, camp can also be for the leaders.

With a week like this week where God was working/moving through the leaders, we needed a support system as well. We're the support system for the campers, as well as each other, but for the leaders we can't go to the kids. So we go to each other and we go to the staff members. Through this support system this past week, friendships were made and there have been tons of remember when's that have come from these friendships that were made.

The reason I bring up support systems though is because of how heavy the message was for the kid's that night at chapel. It was another night of tears and the kids being filled with peace, but what the speaker, Ryan, did that night with the kid's was something I've never done and I'll admit it was once of the hardest things to hear during that night at chapel.

What Ryan did was he had the kid's come to the altar to be in the presence of the Lord. Some cried. Leader's prayed for the kids as they worshiped. What he did next was something that makes my heart break. He told all the kids to go lay down somewhere in the room, but they couldn't be near their friends. The leader's did the same.

As I laid there all I could hear was the weeping from kid's who range from 8-11 years old. It broke my heart that I couldn't get up and pray over these kids who are just as broken compared to me. When I did try and get up anyways God was speaking to me that he needed to put some peace into me before I could even get up and pray for peace into some of these kids. I was for sure fighting God too. When I thought I had enough peace in me I'd try and get up, but I couldn't because of some force keeping me down.

When Ryan told the leaders that they could get up and start laying hands on the kids, it was just powerful what was going on in that room at the moment. Leaders were really being leaders to these kids. God was using us to do his will for these kids. Still though, it broke my heart to see the pain that these kid's were going through.

The whole point of this though was Ryan was getting the kid's, as well as the leaders, to really put their trust and support into God. He is honestly always going to be there. Oh man, a good night for the campers and the leaders.
God wants us to have faith in His Son Jesus Christ and to love each other. this is also what Jesus taught us to do. 1John 3:23

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