day 088. [are you down?]

The days of me being in Oak Harbor have not only reached the single digits, but they've also come to the point where I can count how many days I have on one hand. It's seriously getting crazy having the thought of me leaving home again. I've got so many emotions inside of me right now. I'm scared. I'm anxious. I'm excited. I'm all over the place.

With getting ready for college, there's obviously a few things that I've got to get done before I leave. For example today I finally shaved my face after what had been maybe three weeks. That's actually a long time for me to not shave, but I finally decided to do it. As well as shaving my face was getting rid of the animal looking thing on my head (aka ... my hair). Not only am I packed for school, but I also look like I'm ready to head back to Portland.

One of the things though that I do not like about leaving for school is how the last minute hangouts happen. People all of a sudden start to ask me if we can hang out. As if we didn't have two months prior to me leaving to hang out. Either way, I end up the same way too. I get a little desperate with some of my friends and ask them to hangout at the last minute. Kind of like tonight, ha.

I was originally going to hang out with Brian Dyche in Bellingham, but my sleeping got the better of me and I missed that opportunity. For those that don't know who Brian Dyche is, this is him. Obviously I stole this picture off of his Facebook, haha. I really do wish I got to hang out with him before I left. He's actually one of my many photography buddies from Oak Harbor. I have yet to go out shooting with him, but the day that happens, I'll make sure that it becomes known to the general public.

Anyways, that's enough of Brian, I didn't hang out with him after all so I should just stop writing about him, ha. Who I did end up hanging out with though was my friend Elyse Brown :)

She's going to be a senior this year and she's one of the senior's I did not do senior photos of. Her and I have a song for our friendship. In fact, everytime we hear it on the radio or end up listening to it we either call the other one up hoping that they'll answer, if not we leave a message or we'll send the other a text message letting them know that our song is on. If you're wondering what the song is it's "Down" by Jay Sean. Elyse and I are pretty gangsta' and we know it makes people jealous whenever they are around us. I'd be jealous of us too if I weren't who I am, ha.

In all honesty Elyse and I have a pretty cool friendship. Last summer she introduced me to this really cool game where you run away from the waves as they start coming in. I've made myself promise that I'll play this game with my wife one day.

I can see it now. We'll be running on the beach and when she least expects it I'll push her into the water, haha. Then she'll tackle me and we'll both be wet. Then we'll just go dry off. We'll be cute like that. Fellas I know you're jealous right now because you wish you could do that with your soon to be wife, but I already took the idea. You'll just have to do something else that's cute with your soon to be wife :)

One of the things that Elyse and I have come to do that is tradition in our friendship is to do the quizzes in the girly magazines. We always go to Wal*Mart where we just sit down and read the quizzes. We'll quiz each other. We have such a good memory with our results that months from now we'll bring it up into conversation because it's that cool. I'm pretty sure after reading this some of you are jealous of my friendship I have with Elyse. She's such a stud too ;)

Tonight was different though because instead of just doing the girly magazine quizzes we went out to West Beach and we had a Godly conversation. I'm starting to LOVE my relationships with people where we can just sit down and talk about God for hours on end. Afterwards though we went to Wal*Mart where we bought the magazines so we could just take them back to her house. The reason why we took them back to her house was because I was going to help her with her AP Biology homework. Call me a nerd, but I was quite excited to take my newly college education for a test run.

I was able to help Elyse not just with her homework, but to the point where it actually made sense to her. I think my education came in handy! COLLEGE EDUCATION FTW!!

Not going to lie, there's days where I'll wake up and wish I was as studly as Elyse :)

Elyse, if you're reading this I'm going to miss you while I'm at school! As for everyone else reading this, I'm going to miss you too :D

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