day 080. [glow sticks]

I'm going to inform you on something. I was not able to finish up today's senior photos due to time constraints, BUT tomorrow I will finish them off, and hopefully the lighting will be a bit more manageable tomorrow morning.

Until then though, today's senior will stay a mystery, but for the heck of it I'll go into detail as to where we went. You'll probably realize that they are places I've taken people before, and that's because:
  1. I'm running low on ideas.
  2. That's because I took on more seniors than I could locate
  3. My car is having break problems and the last thing I want happen is to go off island and have car problems
Yeah, that's actually the reasoning as to why most of my seniors have the same locations. It's really a matter of how they adapt to their surroundings.

Anyways, I took this senior first to North Campus to get that classic look from the bricks. From North Campus though we went out to the marina where there are volleyball nets. I just kind of gave a clue as to who this person is, but I'll let you guys figure out who this senior is tomorrow :)

Anyways, at the volleyball nets the lighting was not being nice at all. Casting too many shadows. Just too bright. Luckily, seeing as we have tomorrow morning, we'll finish off the photos tomorrow. Then you'll guys get to see who this mystery senior.

We took a break because I had some stuff to deal with. Bank stuff if you're wondering. It's all in regards to when I go back down to Portland, which is on the 27th of this month. Thought I'd throw that out there.

Once that was done we headed out to Ft. Casey. Sound familiar? It should because I've taken Allison, James, Caytie, Steven, and Kevin there. Counting this mystery senior that's a total of six seniors that I've taken to Ft. Casey. I've gotten to a point where I won't use a location more than three times next year, haha.

In regards to next year though, I won't have as many seniors as I did this year [crossing fingers]. With that in mind, I hope that I don't have to repeat as many places. Hopefully next year I'll be able to take some of the seniors to other places other than Anacortes.

So if you've been paying attention you'll notice that on the days where I do senior photos I use one of their photos as the photo of the day. Unfortunately, I don't like doing that unless I actually finish up the shots. That is because I usually put some of them on my flickr, which I advise for you to check out because there's a few shots up.

Since I didn't finish up the shoot though I had to come up with an alternative thing to do for the day. Originally I was going to do something like my friend Matt did with one of his posts, but I decided not to just because it would have been a little too close to when he did it. If I were to do something similar I would definitely have them be weeks apart, haha.

Wanting to be a little different, but trying out something I've managed to do other nights, I decided to mess with long shutters at night with lights. Yeah, that's right, I decided to mess around with some glow sticks this time. I really like the neon colors that the glow sticks produce. Also, I bought these glow sticks to do some night shots with Steven. Right now that kid is at Jr. High Camp and I'm a little impatient and decided to just do a shoot with glow sticks without him. When he gets back though I'll definitely have to do something at night with him again, haha.

Be sure to check out that flickr of mine :)

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