day 090. [welch boys]

I can't believe that today came just as fast as it did. If you're out there wondering what I mean by this, I'm talking about the fact that today was my last real day in Oak Harbor. Again, if you haven't been paying attention I'm leaving Oak Harbor to head back down to Portland for school. I'm so pumped and ready for this school year, but I'm realizing that I'm going to miss Oak Harbor.

So since most of you have read my encounters with the youth group and the church I'm realizing that I would love nothing more than help out with the youth here in Oak Harbor. Obviously though it's not my calling. I've been called to do some work in Portland! That's what I'm going to do this year. Some honest to God, God work :)

Anyways, to what I did today on my last day in Oak Harbor. I ended up going to bed pretty early last night because my head was throbbing. With that though I woke up around 6 this morning. So I had a pretty early morning. I did my devos and I was also able to catch an episode of Pokemon. Even though I woke up that early I took a nap before noon.

When noon rolled around I headed over to the intern apartment to pick up my buddy Sean Welch. I've had different hangouts with him this summer, and I'm sure you've read them. We went out to China City to eat. We just talked about camp and what God had done through me. It was nice to get to talk to him about it. We also just talked about this upcoming school year. It's so important for me to be back down there. Not just because I'm going to school there, but I was called to be at that school. This seriously might sound weird to some of you guys, but it's the truth - I was called to be at the University of Portland. God had something in mind for me when I chose that school. I've gotta work it this year. I'm so excited!! AHHH!! TOMORROW!!!

Afterwards I knew I wanted to say bye to the Kingma's. So we went over there hoping that they'd be home. With our luck ... THEY WERE!! Well, all of them [Mrs. Kingma and Jordan] with the exception of Mr. Kingma. I love that family so much. Such an awesome family. Sean and I were there for a few hours just catching up with Jordan and Mrs. Kingma. It was so good to see them. To think the last time I saw that whole family, let alone go over to their house, was during senior year. That was two years ago! KRAZY!! O_o

Sean had to get going so I dropped him off home. When I got home though I finally found it in myself to finish packing. Also my last two books finally came in. Around 8 though Sean's little brother ... Steven came by so we could hangout on my last night. On our way to where we were hanging out we picked up Sharmaine because she wanted to hangout with us, haha. We pretty much treated her like the little sister she is. We were just flat out RUDE to her, but in a loving way :D

I could tell you where we went, but ... I won't. I mean I'll tell you we went to the beach and then Safeway, but what good would that do you? Once we got rid of her (haha) Steven and I went to the Donut House to get DONUTS!! We also got Sharmaine one because she made us pinky promise. Well, Sharmaine I had some of my fingers crossed when we made that promise. If you want to see her donut then you can go to flickr to see what we did to it ;)

Well, that was my last night in Oak Harbor. I leave tomorrow. I'm excited. I'm anxious. I could honestly pee my pants right now because it's full of fluids and the pressure on my bladder is INSANE! bahaha. Love you guys :D

PS. Steven did more damage to it than I did :)

PPS. In fact, if you want to see some of the pictures from today, my last day, just check out the flickr.

PPPS. Also, today is the last day of the third month :)

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